Posts Tagged ‘Bride’

Bride ordered to pay photographer $89K for posting defamatory statements online

07 Mar
Photo by Ben Rosett

Emily Liao of British Columbia has been ordered to pay wedding photographer Kitty Chan $ 115,000 CAD (~$ 89,000 USD) in defamation damages after lambasting Chan’s photography business online. According to a CBC report, Liao heavily criticized Chan’s business, Amara Wedding, in both Chinese and English on platforms that included Blogger, Facebook, Weibo, and others, ultimately destroying her business and prompting this ruling by B.C. Supreme Court Justice Gordon Weatherill.

Amara Wedding catered to Chinese-speaking customers, offering wedding photography in addition to other services like wedding planning and officiating. The business had signed a contract with Liao in 2015 that was valued at $ 6,064.80, but the deal soured when Liao was given proofs of pre-wedding photos to review. According to the report, Liao wasn’t happy with the quality of the proofs and the fact they were taken by a professional photographer other than Chan herself, though the contract hadn’t specified that she would take them.

Liao reportedly provided Chan with a post-dated check for the work and was reassured that the final image quality would improve after editing. However, the bride stopped payment on the check a week ahead of the wedding, and when Chan refused to turn over the photos until payment was made, Liao filed a claim against her in small claims court.

And that might have been the end of this story, if Liao hadn’t also taken to the Internet with a series of attacks against the photography business that Justice Weatherill characterized as “egregious, accusatory and vitriolic.” The bride accused Amara Wedding of being “a major scam shop and deceitful photography mill business engaged in extortion, dishonesty, unfair practices, bait and switch and other dirty tactics,” among other shocking and disparaging statements. And when her criticisms went viral online, Chan’s photography business crumbled. She had to shut down in January of 2017.

Lambasting (and thereby hurting) a photography business with an online “review” isn’t the problem per se, but the statements must be accurate and not motivated by malice. As Justice Weatherill explained in his decision, “this case is an example of the dangers of using the internet to publish information without proper regard for its accuracy.”

Justice Weatherill has awarded Chan $ 115,000 CAD (~$ 89,000 USD)—$ 75,000 (~$ 58,000 USD) in general damages, $ 15,000 (~$ 11,500 USD) in aggravated damages, and $ 25,000 (~$ 19,000 USD) in punitive damages. And though this won’t bring back Chan’s business—that ship has sailed—she told CBC she was pleased with the ruling: “I want to prove to people that they have to face consequences when they say something on the internet.”

The full legal document can be read here.

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How to do Wedding Day Portraits of the Bride and Groom in Under 20 Minutes

01 Mar

Wedding days are super hectic, there’s no doubt about it. My couples and I agree on a wedding day photography timeline so we know exactly what is expected at every hour of the wedding day. Yes, we are flexible but having the order of the day written down is a must for things to go smoothly. This timeline is discussed well before the day and all the key people in the bridal party and key suppliers are made aware of the plan so we are all on the same page.

How to do Wedding Day Portraits of the Bride and Groom in Under 20 Minutes

Plan it out

When I sit down with the couple to plan the day, I paint a picture of what a “normal” wedding day looks like and the expected timings allocated to each portion of the day. But I always explain to the couple that it is their wedding day and ultimately, they can do what they want and decide on the duration of each part.

This includes the portrait session of just the bride and groom, nobody else, which usually happens after all the other formals are done. Ideally, the portraits are done somewhere away from the guests so the couple doesn’t get distracted or pulled in different directions which only delays or extends the portrait session. Some couples opt for a “first look” which happens before the ceremony.

How to do Wedding Day Portraits of the Bride and Groom in Under 20 Minutes

How much time will the couple allow for portraits?

From experience, depending on their priorities, the time couples allow for their own portraits vary widely, some allow for an hour and a half, but many slot in only 15-20 minutes. A reason for the latter is usually because they wish to spend time saying hello to friends and family especially those who have come a long way to be at their wedding. This is completely understandable and even expected.

I do, however, encourage my couples to always spare some time for bride and groom portraits no matter how little. That is the only time during the day they can be alone and have photos done of just the two of them without anyone else in the vicinity, or worse, in the background.

This doesn’t have to be done at a grand venue or separate location. This could be anywhere that is private, semi-private, quiet, or at the very least away from the guests. It can even be done at the very same location as everyone else, you just need to separate them from the crowd for a few minutes.

Work efficiently by having a plan

On average, my couples allow 15-20 minutes for this portrait session so over the years, I have learned how to get things done very quickly. In this article, I will share with you my secret – have a formula.

Having a formula is not a bad thing. If you worry that all your weddings might end up looking exactly the same, don’t! Each couple is unique and their wedding is unique to them. Besides, if they have booked you after having looked at your portfolio, that probably means they like your style and your work and they expect their photos to have the same look and feel as your other weddings.

Here is my 5 step formula for wedding day portraits

#1 – The couple together

How to do Wedding Day Portraits of the Bride and Groom in Under 20 Minutes

I usually start the portrait session by taking photos of the couple together either holding hands, embracing, posed together for a natural look, or posed for a formal portrait. Being photographed with someone else is less daunting than solo and they have each other to hold on to or lean against in case they feel awkward especially at the start.

This part doesn’t have to be all posed either. It’s better if you can do some laughing and fun shots; just give them clear instructions or make them laugh if you are able.

#2 Just the bride

How to do Wedding Day Portraits of the Bride and Groom in Under 20 Minutes

How to do Wedding Day Portraits of the Bride and Groom in Under 20 Minutes

I then separate them and do portraits of just the bride. Usually, I ask the groom to help throw the veil or stand next to me so he can help make the bride laugh, have a natural smile, or look in his direction instead of straight at the camera.

Make sure you get close-ups of the bride as well as wide-angle shots showing the context or location (and her whole dress!) and a variety of angles if possible.

#3 Artistic shots

How to do Wedding Day Portraits of the Bride and Groom in Under 20 Minutes

Use the opportunity of having the bride in front of you to take artistic shots like close-ups of the bouquet or veil, shoes, details, or some creative compositions. I try to minimize moving the couple from place to place too much. Instead, I do the moving myself and walk around them, finding various angles from which to shoot and adjusting to the light that is available.

# Just the groom

How to do Wedding Day Portraits of the Bride and Groom in Under 20 Minutes

Now it’s the groom’s turn and this is simply a case of replicating what you have just done with the bride. Grooms are usually so much quicker to photograph and do not require a lot of posing. Just get them to stand naturally, lean on something, look at the bride, look at the camera, laugh, look sideways… done.

I find grooms tend to follow instructions quickly without worrying about how they look as they generally just want to get the portraits over and done with. Don’t forget to give them some indicators of time, letting them know you are nearly finished so they don’t worry about longer than they have allowed. This is important and reduces any worries about the timing of the day.

#5 Walking or do some action shots

I end the session with some walking or action photos. Be aware of your background for this as walking photos usually require being slightly further away. Be on the lookout for some nice light in the background and a suitable path they could walk on.

Ask them to walk slowly hand in hand for these photos. Position yourself behind them so you are photographing their backs. Then ask them both to stop in their tracks and look back at you, then again with just the bride looking, and finally just the groom looking.

How to do Wedding Day Portraits of the Bride and Groom in Under 20 Minutes

Ask them to turn around in the same spot so they are now looking at you and walking towards you. Always instruct them to walk slowly. Again ask them to stop in their tracks and hold hands but stand further apart. Then say to take a step closer to each other until they are holding each other close or kissing if they wish. Depending on the background, this is when I try to do a silhouette, especially if there is sky or an open expanse in the background.

Sometimes, I ask them to practice their first dance a bit or pull each other in for a quick kiss for some movement and natural laughter.


On a small patch of ground, you will be able to cover several poses, include a variety of angles, do some formal portraits, some casual looks, and lastly some walking and action shots. And that is it! Wedding day portraits done in 15-20 minutes!

How to do Wedding Day Portraits of the Bride and Groom in Under 20 Minutes

Don’t forget, just get on with it. Don’t stop to check your LCD for long or fuss about too many imperfections. You are under time pressure so have a formula and stick to it while allowing yourself wiggle room for some creative opportunities that may arise – as long as you are within the agreed upon timeframe.

As a side note, I always find that couples who have had an engagement shoot with me beforehand end up having a much easier and breezier portrait session. They know what to expect and what to do that they just do it without the need for a warm-up. They are quick to relax and be at ease in front of the camera and the best bit, they genuinely enjoy it!

The post How to do Wedding Day Portraits of the Bride and Groom in Under 20 Minutes by Lily Sawyer appeared first on Digital Photography School.

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Wedding photographer awarded $1.08M in defamation lawsuit against bride and groom

02 Aug

Photographers are cheering the end of a marathon lawsuit today, a case that pinned beleaguered wedding photographer Andrea Polito against blogger Neely Moldovan and her husband, who set out to destroy her career after a minor disagreement over their wedding photos.

The whole dispute began over a $ 125 photo album cover that the couple didn’t want to pay for.

Polito had photographed the couple’s wedding in October of 2014, and when Moldovan followed up a few weeks later to ask about the photos, the photographer reminded her that the photos wouldn’t be released until the album was completed. According to the contract they had signed, the Moldovans would have to submit an order form and select a cover photo.

The couple balked, and Polito sent an email saying she would absorb the cost of the album cover to keep them happy. Two days later, she learned that the Moldovans had contacted several local news stations, claiming she was “holding their photos hostage.” In just a few days, this narrative went viral and essentially destroyed Polito’s 13-year-old business. What’s more, the couple gloated about their success online, liked defamatory statements on Yelp and more.

Polito filed a defamation suit against the couple in April of 2015, and on Friday a jury found in Polito’s favor, ordering the Moldovans to pay $ 1.08 million in damages for the “defamatory, disparaging and malicious statements” they made. Polito’s attorney, Dave Wishnew, took to Facebook to celebrate the verdict:

“Freedem of speech does not mean freedom from consequences,” writes Wishnew. “There are real world consequences for maliciously attacking a business online with venom and lies.”

For Polito’s part, she’s relieved, if exhausted:

“I’m emotionally exhausted. This has been a very long battle,” she tells the Dallas Morning News. “Last Friday when the verdict was read I felt a little bit relieved, but most importantly I feel my reputation was restored to myself. What’s been so hard the past couple of years has been feeling so ashamed of this story.”

The case might not be over yet—as the Moldovans can still appeal the ruling—but this is a big win for photographers everywhere. In the Internet age, when a viral news story can destroy a 13-year career overnight, it’s nice to know that justice is still an attainable goal… even if it does take two and a half years to get there.

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Infographic: 10 Must-Have Wedding Shots for Every Bride

25 Jan

Getting married but unsure of what kind of wedding photography you want? Flicking through various online galleries, websites, and blogs for inspiration? Never dealt with a professional photographer and not sure of what questions to ask? We profile the top ten wedding shots every Bride should have. From the wedding morning excitement, to when you finally say ‘I do’. We Continue Reading

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Bride On The Beach Photoshooting – Making Of with Steve Kay

03 Aug

Photoshooting documentation with German photographer Steve Kay Photographer: Steve Kay Model: Londonqueen H&M: Dennis Brandt Music: Steve Kay


Beautiful Happy in Love Bride

20 Sep

Beautiful Happy in Love Bride, originally uploaded by !efatima.

Catchy Colors Photoblog

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Beautiful Happy in Love Bride

18 Sep

Beautiful Happy in Love Bride, originally uploaded by !efatima.

Catchy Colors Photoblog

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Bunnies: Princess Bride

18 Oct

As you wish! The 30-Second Bunnies is a troupe of bunnies parodies, a collection of movies by re-enacting them in 30 seconds, more or less. Watch them all at 30 Second Bunnies Animated Animation Flash Romance Princess Bride

Takaya is forced to confront his anger and mixed emotions about himself and Naoe. He must come to grips with these emotions quickly before he injures himself or someone else maliciously.
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