Posts Tagged ‘Bonsai’

Air Bonsai: Magnetic Levitation Kit Lets You Float Little Trees

21 Feb

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Furniture & Decor. ]

floating air bonsai plant

Taking bonsai approaches to the next level, a Japanese company based out of Kyushu has raised over half a million dollars so far for its levitating (and rotating) tree system.

floating tree collection

The fauna in question span quite a range, from flowering plants to pine trees to mosses. The magnetic levitation tech supports up to 250 grams of whatever species you prefer (up to a few inches in width), powered via a simple AC adapter.

floating plant diy kit

floating tree demo

Of course, you can further decorate your little floating worlds however you like, with ceramic figures, lava rocks or other scene-setting touches.

floating bonsai tree system

The system comes as a DIY kit priced starting at around $ 200, depending on whether you wish to get both the mechanical system and a starter plant or just the technology portion. There are also both modern and traditional-looking, hand-crafted bases, depending on your aesthetic preferences.

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The Hand of Man: Bonsai Hangs Inside Abandoned Power Plant

20 Jun

[ By Steph in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

bonsai power plant 1

Inside the cooling tower of an abandoned power plant, a tiny bonsai tree hangs from a geometric metal frame, its roots exposed. The only other sign of life inside the cavernous space is an occasional slick of moss. The project meets at the junction between urban exploration, installation art and photography, with no one but the artist witnessing it in person before it was quietly whisked away, the bonsai re-planted to continue its life.

bonsai power plant 2

bonsai power plant 3

Located in the city of Charleroi, Belgium and originally built in 1921, the coal-burning power plant was decommissioned in 2007 after criticism of its inefficiency. While much of it was demolished, the tower – which once cooled 480,000 gallons of water per minute – still stands as a dystopian monument, drawing in determined explorers despite the security guards posted outside. Before protests shut it down, it was responsible for 10 percent of the total carbon dioxide emissions in the nation.

bonsai power plant 4

bonsai power plant 5

bonsai power plant 6

Japanese botanical artist Azuma Makoto doesn’t typically provide any explanation for the meaning behind his installations, but it’s hard not to see some potent symbolism in this image. Bonsai plants are painstakingly constrained by human intervention, and here one floats without the soil it needs to thrive, within a cavernous representation of waste and short-sighted thinking.

bonsai space

bonsai space 2

Makoto previously sent a bonsai into space for the Exobiotanica project, suspending a Japanese white pine and a bouquet of lilies and other flowers from carbon-fiber frames and launching them into the sky with a specially-equipped balloon. Six GoPro cameras captured their journey. Said the artist, “Roots, soil and gravity – by giving up the links to life, what kind of ‘beauty’ shall be born? Within the harsh ‘nature,’ at an altitude of 30,000 meters and minus 50 degrees celsius, the plants evolve into exbiota (extraterrestrial life.)”

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[ By Steph in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

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Pixelated and Underwater: Azuma Makoto’s Bonsai Art

21 Dec

[ By Steph in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

Bonsai trees are beautiful, but most require a very dedicated person to tend to their needs – unless they’re made of Legos. Artist Azuma Makoto has not only created a bonsai made of these distinctive colored blocks, but also a ‘water bonsai’ that seems to flourish despite being submerged in an aquarium.

With ‘Lego Pine’, Makoto manages to capture the shape of a bonsai tree with an incredibly intricate Lego sculpture. Makoto’s familiarity with bonsai is clear in this masterful reproduction, which features branches that seem impossibly thin and delicate.

‘Water and Bonsai’ is a fully glazed aquarium containing what appears, at first glance, to be a real bonsai tree. Look closer, however, and you’ll see that it’s a trunk-shaped piece of deadwood with java moss attached to it to resemble leaves. The moss is kept alive with a filtration system and LED lights.

Makoto is known for stunning botanical sculptures that showcase the beauty and complexity of the plant world. He runs a high-fashion flower shop called JARDIN des FLEURS in Tokyo. See more of his works at his website,

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