Posts Tagged ‘Bolts’

Film Fridays: Pentax MX – a nuts and bolts review

20 Mar

The Pentax MX is a gem of a film SLR: super compact, well-built and fully-mechanical in operation – batteries are only required to power the light meter. Better yet, they’re easy to find in working order, without breaking the bank. Our pals over at dive deep into the nuts and bolts of this classic camera.

Read: Pentax MX nuts and bolts review

About Film Fridays: We recently launched an analog forum and in a continuing effort to promote the fun of the medium, we’ll be sharing film-related content on Fridays, including articles from our friends at 35mmc.

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One iconic moment, two viral photos: Rio photographers capture Bolt’s smile

23 Aug

The Rio Olympics have come to a close, and there’s no doubt that these summer games have been memorable. World records were smashed, heroes were made and the best sports photographers in the game captured it all. But what may go down as one of the most memorable images from the games is actually two photos, captured by two photographers a fraction of a second apart.

Photo by Kai Pfaffenbach / Reuter’s.

Embed from Getty Images

Cameron Spencer of Getty Images and Kai Pfaffenbach of Reuter’s snapped nearly identical photos of Bolt and his grin as he neared the finish line of the 100m race. It’s not easy to spot the difference until you notice that Bolt’s right hand is sharp in one image and blurred in the other.

Naturally, the nuance was entirely lost on the internet, particularly on Twitter where the photos quickly became the subject of countless memes. As is the way with memes, both photos went viral without credit to either of the photographers who took them. The dual photos even confused a well-meaning Sports Illustrated writer who gave credit to Spencer while tweeting the photo taken by Pfaffenbach. After the error was brought to his attention he issued an apology.

Most news coverage used (and credited) Spencer’s photo. Articles that document the popularity of the meme mostly reference the Getty photo as well, even though Pfaffenbach’s photo appears to have been used more widely.

Did you notice the different photos in circulation? Why do you think one photographer got more attention and credit for his photo? Let us know in the comments.

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Tesla Thunderstorms: Miniature Bolts of Man-Made Lightning

23 Jun

[ By Steph in Art & Photography & Video. ]

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Tiny bolts of lightning are captured on camera as they shoot off an antique electrotherapy medical device, turning the discharge of electricity into a form of art. Germany-based photographer Marc Simon Frei purchased the 1920 violet ray, invented by Nikola Tesla, on eBay and began to experiment with visual effects.

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The device is basically a portable tesla coil, an electrical resonant transformer circuit used to produce alternating-current electricity. Frei used various methods to create sparks and caught them at just the right split-second with his Nikon Df, 50mm f/1.8 lens and a macro extension tube.

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He has also played around with wiring, and creating miniature storms within tufts of wool stuffing taken from a teddy bear. Frei notes that if you want to try it yourself, you’d better be prepared for possible equipment damage from the high frequency voltage; the LCD screen on his camera flickered whenever it came too close to the coil.

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Nikola Tesla would likely be disappointed that his ingenious creations are mostly relegated to exhibits and experiments these days, rather than becoming a viable wide scale source of energy, but it seems likely he’d approve of this project.

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[ By Steph in Art & Photography & Video. ]

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