Posts Tagged ‘Billboard’

Photo Contest Alert: Announcing a (Free!) Billboard Contest From Fine Art America

09 Aug

The post Photo Contest Alert: Announcing a (Free!) Billboard Contest From Fine Art America appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jaymes Dempsey.

Fine Art America billboard contest

Have you ever dreamed of seeing your art displayed large – for everyone to admire?

Then you’ll love Fine Art America’s new Billboard Contest, which will award a giant billboard display to 20 artists. Win the contest, and your eye-catching work will be featured on a 24-foot billboard in a major city, such as Chicago, Atlanta, or Los Angeles, accompanied by a title plus your name or social media handle. 

Here’s the type of stunning showcase winners can expect:

example billboard for photo contest

Each billboard will stay up for a month, giving viewers plenty of time to appreciate the winning art.

your art goes on this billboard

How to take part

The contest is currently open and free to enter. Simply create a Fine Art America account and upload one to three files on the contest page. The contest closes on August 31st, and the winners will be announced on September 15th. 

Note that entry is not exclusive to photographers; Fine Art America accepts submissions from all 2D artists, including painters, graphic designers, and illustrators.

Vote, vote, vote: the selection process, explained

After you’ve submitted your entries, you can encourage family, friends, and followers to vote for your art on Fine Art America’s website. All entries receiving 100 votes will then proceed to the next round, where contest judges will choose the top 20 pieces for billboard display.

There are also a number of fun prizes and promotions along the way:

  • Get 25 votes, and you’ll receive a Pixels t-shirt
  • Get 100 votes, and your image will be featured on the Fine Art America Instagram account
  • Get 250 votes, and you’ll receive a free 24’’ x 36’’ canvas print of an image of your choosing

It all comes down to the voting – so as soon as you’ve uploaded your entries, head over to social media and drum up some interest!

By the way, if you’re looking for contest inspiration or you simply want to vote for your favorite art, you can see all current entries here. Click on each piece to view its vote count and register a vote of your own, and don’t forget to check out the top-voted artwork here (you’ll find plenty of stunning bird photos, landscapes shots, paintings, and more!). 

What is Fine Art America?

Billed as “the world’s largest online art marketplace,” the company’s website,, acts as a one-stop shop for photographers, painters, illustrators, graphic designers, and more – and it also welcomes non-artists who simply appreciate great art.

On the Fine Art America website, you can:

  • Order custom prints of your own art, including posters, metal prints, wood prints, canvas prints, printed t-shirts, and printed smartphone cases
  • Sell your art to interested buyers as prints, t-shirts, greeting cards, etc.
  • Buy beautiful art sold by artists around the world

The Fine Art America Billboard Contest is yet another example of the company’s dedication to artists. As explained by the CEO, Sean Broihier, “For 15+ years, we’ve been promoting our artists and their incredible artwork almost exclusively online. It’s time to showcase them in the real world. Our upcoming billboard campaign gives us an incredible opportunity to reach a new audience of art buyers, build brand awareness for Fine Art America, and introduce the incredibly talented artists who use Fine Art America to sell canvas prints, framed prints, greeting cards, and more.”

So take a look at Fine Art America – and in the meantime, be sure to enter the Billboard Contest. Remember: It’s open until August 31st and the entry process only takes a few minutes, so give it your best shot! 

the world's greatest art contest

Fine Art America is a paid partner of dPS.

The post Photo Contest Alert: Announcing a (Free!) Billboard Contest From Fine Art America appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jaymes Dempsey.

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Ghost Rider: Disappearing Audi Billboard Made of Water Vapor

26 Mar

[ By Steph in Design & Guerilla Ads & Marketing. ]

audi water vapor 1

It’s a wonder nobody crashed their real cars doing a double-take at a glowing Audi that seems like an apparition, appearing in a fog and then disappearing just as quickly. German ad firm Thjnk came up with this ephemeral ad campaign for the hybrid-electric Audi A7 Sportback h-tron quattro to highlight the fact that nothing but water vapor comes out of its exhaust.

“We asked ourselves, where do you place ads for the most environmentally friendly and progressive engine Audi has ever built? Nowhere. So for the car that leaves nothing behind but vaporized water, we created ads that leave nothing behind but vaporized water.”

Audi Water Vapor 2

Though the agency doesn’t specify how the effect was achieved, it seems that an LED image is projected onto water vapor to get that ghostly look. The ads were placed in busy areas of big cities at night, flashing briefly and then vanishing.

audi water vapor ad 3

Check out 300+ other creative advertising campaigns, from guerrilla marketing to controversial ads using revolting imagery and graphic content to hawk hand soap, nose trimmers and other products and services.

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Real-Time Billboard: Sign Points at Actual Planes Flying By

04 Dec

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Guerilla Ads & Marketing. ]


The ability to track planes in mid-flight has produced many apps and websites for following jets through friendly skies, but this ad campaign applies this same data in a fun new way.

The interactive display even tells you the route, from takeoff to destination, of the plane you are seeing, and quotes you rates for future flights along that path.

billboard marketing

The Look Up campaign by British Airways blends dynamic video billboards and airplane data to show a child pointing at actual planes in midair overhead.

billboard guerrilla marketing campaign

From the company: “This is a first, not just for British Airways but for U.K. advertising. We all know from conversations with friends and family that we wonder where the planes are going and dream of an amazing holiday or warm destination. The clever technology allows this advert to engage people there and then and answer that question for them.”

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Billboard Trailers Turned Tiny Parasite Apartments

09 Jul

[ By Steph in Design & Guerilla Ads & Marketing. ]

Reclaimed Billboard Houses 1

Advertising is so ubiquitous that billboards aren’t even restricted to fixed positions anymore; they’re often found moving from one spot to another on trailers, always in search of those all-important eyeballs. Inside these trailers are little spaces that, one would imagine, are too small to be of any real use. But Belgian artist and hacktivist Karl Philips has taken some practical function from these ugly urban fixtures by turning them into tiny ‘parasite apartments.’

Reclaimed Billboard Houses 2

The series, entitled ‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly,’ consists of three billboard trailers which have been hacked into living spaces just the right size for a single-person mattress and a small collection of possessions.

Reclaimed Billboard Houses 3

Billboards take up a considerable amount of space, and it can be argued that most of them don’t have a positive impact on society. By turning them into houses, the revenue from the ads goes to the people who live within.

Reclaimed Billboard Houses 4

According to Philips’ biography, he is particularly interested in the margins of society, focusing on “themes such as gaps in legal, economic and social systems, the omnipresence of advertisement, unrestrained capitalism and consumerism, etc.” His previous work includes a parasite apartment built onto the back of a conventional billboard, invisible from the street.

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[ By Steph in Design & Guerilla Ads & Marketing. ]

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Livable Billboard Offers Artists a Temporary Home

16 Apr

[ By Steph in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

Billboard Artist Residency 1

Artists are taking over billboards all over the world, subverting their messages or dedicating them to fun and meaningful art installations instead of advertisements. But the Scribe Billboard takes the concept of billboard art even further: hidden behind its face is a tiny living space for the artists to stay in as they work. Located in Mexico City, this ongoing urban art project is a collaboration between paper company Scribe and architect Julio Gomez Trevilla.

Billboard Artist Residency 2

An elevated house made of steel and chipboard measuring about 170 square feet provides a sheltered space and meets the basic needs of the artist. It includes a kitchen, bathroom, closet, shower, dressing room and work desk. A barrel mounted into a rooftop tower provides gravity-fed water for plumbing. The only way to get in and out is through a door in the face of the billboard. The house even has a rooftop deck.

Billboard Artist Residency 3

The first resident was Mexican artist Cecilia Beaven, who spent ten days living inside it while working on the hand-painted campaign for Scribe. The interactive project called for ideas from the brand’s fans on Twitter, which Beaven incorporated into the work.

Billboard Artist Residency 4

Another billboard house concept by design firm Apostrophy’s is more spacious, with an open, multi-level design. See more photos of the Scribe Billboard at Scribe’s Facebook page.

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[ By Steph in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

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Ad-Free Advertising: A Void Billboard of Nothingness

01 Jan

[ By Steph in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

Void Billboard Lead Pencil 1

Passing over the border between the United States and Canada near Vancouver, travelers take in this unexpected sight: an odd metal billboard advertising nothing but air. Clean air. ‘Non-Sign II‘ by Lead Pencil Studio was commissioned by the U.S. government to draw attention not to some product or service, but to the landscape.

Void Billboard Lead Pencil 2

From afar, it looks like it could be a flock of black birds, or particles of matter coming together to form the edges of a rectangle. The metal sculpture measures 30 feet high and 50 feet wide.

Void Billboard Lead Pencil 3

What is framed in that open rectangle that would normally contain an appeal to your consumerist impulses is simply sky.

Void Billboard Lead Pencil 4

Lead Pencil Studio consists of Seattle duo Annie Han and Daniel Mihalyo, whose respective backgrounds in art and architecture meet somewhere in the middle in each of their works. Says Mihalyo, “Why shouldn’t there be a whole realm of architecture that’s nonfunctional…and really just meant for experiencing space for its own sake with no practical purpose whatsoever?”

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