Posts Tagged ‘Baumraum’

Cabins in the Canopy: 13 Modern Tree Houses by Baumraum

24 Jul

[ By Steph in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

Baumraum Treehouse Solling 1

Ranging from minimalist elevated meditation cabins to complex climate-controlled company meeting spaces, the many treehouse creations of German company Baumraum offer unconventional and often strikingly modern silhouettes in natural settings. Custom-designed and costing anywhere from $ 25,000 to nearly $ 200,000, these treehouses and treehouse hotels are places for adventure and retreat amongst the foliage.

Treehouse Halle
Baumraum Treehouse Halle 1

Baumraum Treehouse Halle 2

Baumraum Treehouse Halle 3

Stairs ascend through a hole in the roof of a garage on a German property, spiraling around an oak tree to reach the Treehouse Halle. Baumraum set this zinc and wood structure 11 meters above the ground as a sleeping and relaxation space, supported by two steel stilts anchored to the lower part of the tree. A double-sized bed peeks out a large window onto the surrounding landscape.

Almke Treehouse
Baumraum Treehouse Almke 1

Baumraum Treehouse Almke 2

A lucky scout group in Wolfsburg, Germany gets to meet at this elevated clubhouse constructed around a pine tree, with two almost-identical wooden volumes set at staggered heights within the forest canopy. The Almke Treehouse provides a place to gather, eat and sleep, with the lower volume full of bunk beds for eight.

Treehouse Djuren
Baumraum Treehouse Djuren 1

Baumraum Treehouse Djuren 2

An elliptical volume with egg-like sides seems to float above a wooded family property in Northern Germany, supported on a series of four stilts around two are oak trees. Sleeping benches covered in gray felt offer a comfortable perch from which to look out onto the trees.

Treehouse Solling
Baumraum Treehosue Solling 2

Baumraum Treehouse Solling 3

Baumraum Treehouse Solling 4

Treehouse Solling hovers above a pond like something out of a fairytale, an unusual two-story structure with a rounded roof punctured by a skylight. The treehouse serves as a sleeping place and observation point connected to a nearby forester’s cabin via a cable-suspended bridge. Like most of Baumraum’s structures, the outside is covered in zinc plating and the inside is lined with timber.

Treehouse in Belgium
Baumraum Treehouse in Belgium 1

Baumraum Treehouse in Belgium 2

Baumraum Treehouse in Belgium 3

This treehouse was envisioned as the perfect place for a paper company to brainstorm about sustainability among nature. Located in a forest in Belgium, the climate-controlled space is a lot more like a conventional building than most treehouses, containing a kitchen, lounge and restroom as well as a ventilation system and motion-sensor LED lights. It offers all the comforts of a meeting space within an office, but in an environment that’s a lot more conducive to creative thinking.

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13 Modern Tree Houses By Baumraum

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[ By Steph in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

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