Posts Tagged ‘Bath’

Bath House: Abandoned Public Restroom Turned Private Home

08 Sep

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

deserted loo pre conversion

The ultimate fixer-upper, real estate rarely looks so unpromising as this London dump did – thankfully, one architect saw potential beyond these potties, despite the place truly looking like shi… well, er, bad. In the end, the before-and-after shots speak for themselves – few buildings can boast such total turnarounds, converting crappy ruins into shining tur…, er, digs.

deserted public restroom uk

converted skylit underground condo

Located under the Crystal Palace Parade, these lavatories constitute just 600 square feet of space – not much by the standards of some cities but relative huge for England’s densely-packed capital.

deserted underground bathroom stalls

deserted london renovation project

Located by architect Laura Clark after just finishing up at the Glasgow School of Art, the strange site seemed a perfect challenge for an aspiring architectural designer wanting to take up residence in London.

converted home stairs ladder

deserted amazing subterranean home

At the intersection of various municipalities and built nearly a century ago, getting approvals turned out to be painfully difficult – even establishing who owned the property proved problematic. Eventually, though, it went up for sale and she was able to secure and start working to convert it.

converted house closet bathroom

deserted underground home skylights

The results of her efforts: a compelling home constructed for under 65,000 Pounds (around $ 100,000 USD), surprisingly open, spacious and light-filled compared to its cavernous original state. Along the way, the architect was able to reuse some old materials in the new construction and save some existing walls as well.

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[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

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Beer Bath: Underground Brewery Converted to Thermal Spa

28 Dec

[ By Steph in Boutique & Art Hotels & Global. ]

Converted Brewery Bath Spa 1

Lounge in large wooden vats that once contained gallons upon gallons of beer, gazing up at the original stone arches in subterranean vaulted chambers. The Hürlimann Brewery in Zurich, built in 1836, has been transformed into a hotel and thermal spa with naturally heated water from a nearby spring.

Converted Brewery Bath Spa 2

Converted Brewery Bath Spa 3

Guests don’t actually bathe in beer here (there are other places to do that) but they get to enjoy the next best thing in spacious hot tubs made from the reclaimed barrels. The clean lines of wood and steel in the new construction contrast with, yet complement the aged stone architecture of the original facility.

Converted Brewery Bath Spa 4

Converted Brewery Bath Spa 5

Converted Brewery Bath Spa 6

Enclosed tiled rooms offer large pools in which to lay on your back and float, and the places to soak extend all the way up to the hotel’s rooftop, with heated pools looking out onto the city of Zurich.

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[ By Steph in Boutique & Art Hotels & Global. ]

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Dick Figures – Bath Rhymes (Official Music Video)

04 Oct

Dick Figures “Bath Rhymes” Now Available! – Dick Figures Season 2 Soundtrack Out Now! – Alright partyrockers, keep your pants on… the Official Music Video for “Bath Rhymes” is finally here! Like it, love it, marry it, grow old and die with it. Made by the fans, for the fans. Several hundred animation submissions were combined into an uber-video for the two greatest colors on the planet: Red and Blue. Sit back, relax, and turn up that bass! Facebook Twitter
Video Rating: 4 / 5


A Simple Bath

26 Aug

In a way I think all of us put on a bit of a disguise, everyday, and nobody more so than young women. Makeup to bras to hair straighteners girls become someone that looks as least like their regular selves as possible. Somehow our culture sends girls a message that it’s not ok to be themselves. I think we should change that.

The Bathroom is the scene of the crime. I like shooting girls there, it always feels just a tad more honest. A tad more… scary.

It’s scary being yourself.

Model is Maloree Johnson

Jake Garn Photography

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