Posts Tagged ‘Bars’

Not Your Dive Bar’s Pool Table: 13 Modern Game Furniture Designs

12 Oct

[ By SA Rogers in Design & Fixtures & Interiors. ]

Most game furniture looks like it belongs in a musty basement smelling of spilled beer and body odor, but high end tables for billiards, foosball, ping pong, shuffleboard and other popular indoor games are made to fit right into luxury environments, sometimes even complete with plated gold details. Some are even works of art in their own right, doubling as sculpture, while others bring games that haven’t changed much in decades a little more firmly into the current century.

Ping Pong FM Interactive Table Tennis Jukebox

This ‘fun musical take’ on table tennis by English designer Mark Wheeler lets you choose a song to set the tempo of your game, and the song only keeps playing as long as you manage to keep the ball in play. Drop it, and your game is over. “Usually music listening experiences are strictly about being as true to the original recording as possible. But why can’t listening to a record be as playful and interactive as a live performance?” says Wheeler.

Luxury Game Tables by Adriano Design

A gold-plated crystalline foosball table is among the ‘luxury’ game options offered by Adriano Design, an Italian-based company operating as both ‘Calma e Gesso’ and ‘TECKELL.’ The Cristallino comes complete with 24-karat-gold plated players – because what else would the owner of a $ 10 million estate put in their game room? Other offerings include the ‘Filotto’ pool table and the Lungolinea ping pong table, all made in the company’s signature crystal-clear glass. They even produce child-sized ‘Angolo’ foosball table models for kids, which spare no stylish details.

Isamu Noguchi Chess Table

Considered a seminal work of early organic modernism, Isamu Noguchi’s chess table is technically a functional sculpture, presented along with a set of game pieces Noguchi also designed. It debuted at ‘The Imagery of Chess’ in 1944, a show organized by Marcel Duchamp and Max Ernst. The table was put into production in 1947, but only a few dozen examples exist. One was auctioned in Los Angeles in 2016, selling for over $ 100,000.

Woolsey Shuffleboard Table by Sean Woolsey

Long, narrow and sleek, the Woolsey Shuffleboard Table by designer Sean Woolsey features a rift-sawn white oak top finished with epoxy resin and solid black walnut legs, which hide leg levelers. The table comes with 4 white and 4 black pucks, lots of shuffleboard salt and a magnetic wall mount for the pucks when not in use. Prices, unsurprisingly, start at $ 10K.

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Not Your Dive Bars Pool Table 13 Modern Game Furniture Designs

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Secret Speakeasies: 6 Bars & Clubs Hidden in Plain Sight

15 May

[ By Delana in Design & Fixtures & Interiors. ]


Prohibition, otherwise known as the Volstead Act or the Eighteenth Amendment, barred the manufacture, transportation, and sale of all alcoholic beverages in America from 1919 to 1933 – but for some people, the appeal of the “forbidden” remains today. Despite the illegality of drinking establishments during prohibition, hidden bars could be found in just about every major American city if you knew where to look. Today, speakeasies are making a comeback in a very big way.

Blind Barber – NYC, Brooklyn & Los Angeles

blind barber culver city

barbershop blind barber

The name of this establishment may sound like a cruel joke or even an anti-advertisement, but it’s all part of a brand that has come to represent a simpler time. Past generations have enjoyed gathering and socializing in barber shops, and even today customers trade gossip as they get a haircut and enjoy a glass of wine in upscale salons.

blind barber back room

blind barber

This type of community gathering place is recreated in Blind Barber. An old-timey barber shop up front provides a bright and friendly place to sit and shoot the breeze as you enjoy a shave or a trim. Take a little walk through the secret door in the back and you’ll enter an a very different type of space.

blind barber bar

seating in blind barber bar

The bar is outfitted in rich wood, low lighting, and period-appropriate black and white tiles on the floor. The owners wanted to create not only an enjoyable drinking establishment, but a place where people could get together to socialize, relax, and maybe pretend for a bit that they are part of a small crowd of those who are “in the know” about a secret club.

Flask and The Press – Shanghai

flask and the press sandwich shop

coca cola machine hidden door

It might be surprising to learn that there is an American-style speakeasy in China (although if you’ve been there you will have seen quite a few), but it’s even more surprising to witness someone actually entering the bar. The building’s front contains a bright, cheery sandwich shop with a classic Coca-Cola machine on the back wall.

flask bar

flask and the press hidden speakeasy

Pulling a lever on the soda machine reveals a “secret” passage that leads to Flask, an intimate and delightfully mysterious bar designed by Alberto Caiola. An eclectic mix of furniture calls to mind the furtive nature of assembling these establishments during prohibition.

flask and the press

flask and the press whiskey wall

A floor-to-ceiling display of 25 liter jugs filled with whiskey is a visually stunning detail which may or may not be historically accurate – speakeasies were generally designed to be easy to disassemble if the cops came sniffing around, after all. Regardless, it is still a charming deviation from the loud, crowded urban bar.

Williams & Graham – Denver


The first thing that will strike you as unusual when you walk into the small Denver “bookstore” called simply Williams and Graham is that it’s only open from 5 pm to 1 am. Good news for insomniac bibliophiles, perhaps…or maybe there’s a little more to this story.

williams and graham bar

wg private room

At the back of the shop, a heavy curtain swings open to reveal a very cozy little space with scarce seating, low lighting, and vintage furnishings. One can imagine the hoodlums and society folks alike lining up in the 1920s for a tasty libation while always keeping a wary eye trained on the door.

williams and graham denver speakeasy


The bar serves cocktails straight out of the prohibition era – though admittedly, not with liquor made in clandestine basements distilleries or delivered only under the cover of night. The establishment emphasizes its mission to replicate the speakeasy with its fancy drinks, relative exclusivity (reservations are recommended), and general air of mystery.

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Secret Speakeasies 6 Bars Clubs Hidden In Plain Sight

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How to Take Pretty Photographs in Bars & Nightclubs

25 Jun

There’s something about a dimly bar that gets my muse excited. The old guys hunched over their beers, talking about the weather. The tattoo-covered dudes confidently working over the pool table. The colorful ladies, often wearing their most eye-catching clothing and makeup…For most people, it’s the highlight of their week. Whether they are kicking back, cutting loose with friends, or Continue Reading

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Live Crabs, Gold Bars & iPods: 18 Weird Vending Machines

28 Jan

[ By Steph in Culture & Cuisine & Global. ]

Weird Unusual Vending Machines

Forget crackers and candy bars – you could be buying live lobsters, bike parts, whole heads of lettuce and even freshly baked baguettes with the push of a button from vending machines across the world. In fact, if you’re willing to blow into a breathalyzer and show your ID to a camera, you can even get a bottle of wine. These 18 vending machines take instant gratification to surprising extremes.

Anger Release: Break a Plate

 Weird Vending Machines Anger Release

Few things are more satisfying when you’re feeling livid than smashing a fragile object to smithereens. This vending machine caters to anyone who needs to release some anger , offering your choice of statues, vases, plates and glasses in highly breakable materials – though you won’t get to break it yourself. The satisfaction comes from watching the item fall into the bottom of the machine.

Live Crabs & Lobster

Weird Vending Machines Live Lobster

Weird Vending Machines Live Crabs

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Vending machines aren’t exactly the most humane places for live animals to live, but that doesn’t stop people from offering both lobsters and crabs that you can either take home and kill yourself or have cooked at a restaurant. ‘Lobster Zone’ is actually an arcade game where you have to manipulate a mechanical claw to pluck a live lobster from the bottom of the tank. The slogan is ‘You catch ‘em, we cook ‘em!’ In China, vending machines offer Shanghai Hairy Crabs in a range of sizes for $ 1.50 to $ 7.50

Bikes & Bike Parts

 Weird Vending Machines Bikes

Weird Vending Machines Bike Parts

The Bike Dispenser will spit out a dorky looking bicycle in exchange for your cash. While it’s just a concept, the idea is that you can either bring the bike back to the original vending machine location when you’re done, or ride it one-way to another machine. The bikes are fitted with RFID chips to keep track of them.  In New York, cyclists can find another bike-related vending machine that’s actually pretty handy: Bikestock offers bike parts, tools and locks as well as food and a quick tire fill-up.

Blue Jeans & Socks

Weird Vending Machines Socks

Weird Vending Machines Jeans

Let’s say you’ve landed at the airport in a strange city after a red-eye flight only to find that the airline lost your luggage. You might be happy to see vending machines filled with blue jeans and socks. The brand ‘Closed Jeans’ has installed vending machines in train stations across Europe. Sock vending machines offer everything from colorful, stylish options to the most basic white athletic socks. The latter can sometimes be found in bowling alleys.

Hot Pizza, Mashed Potatoes & Chicken

Weird Vending Machines Pizza 

If you’ve ever stared at the sad, cold offerings in a vending machine, wishing you could have some hot pizza instead, you might be in luck (if you can actually find one of these.) Pizza vending machines have been common in Asia for a while, and are now popping up in the U.S. thanks to Wonder Pizza USA, which offers steaming nine-inch whole pizzas in two minutes. If you prefer to mainline your refined carbs, hoover up some instant mashed potatoes and gravy at your local 7-Eleven courtesy of Maggi’s gross mashed potato machines. Other hot foods that can be procured disturbingly quickly with the push of a button include french fries, hot dogs, fried chicken and even squid.


Eggs & Fresh Lettuce

Weird Vending Machines Lettuce


Weird Vending Machines Eggs

Lettuce doesn’t seem like an ideal item for a vending machine, considering its tendency to wilt pretty quickly. But this particular machine takes care of that problem by actually growing the lettuce on sponges under fluorescent lighting. Chef’s Farm, found in Japan, can produce 60 heads of lettuce per day. In rural Japan, where convenience stores are hard to come by, it’s not uncommon to find vending machines offering cartons of eggs.


Fresh Bread in Paris

Need a freshly-baked baguette at three in the morning? If you’re in Paris, you’re in luck (for a number of reasons). A baker decided to take advantage of the August holiday season, when most bakeries close up shop, by offering a 24-hour baguette vending machine filled with partially cooked loaves that are finished off just when you need them. The baker, who lives above his shop, came up with the idea after being repeatedly disturbed by potential customers knocking on his door after hours.

Gold Bars

Weird Vending Machines Gold Bars

Isn’t it annoying when you need some gold bars fast, but all the banks are closed? Gold to Go has got you covered with blast-proof, camera-guarded vending machines that will dispense small wafers of gold in exchange for your cash. The prices are updated automatically every two minutes to keep up with constantly fluctuating gold prices. The machines can be found in airports and shopping malls in Abu Dhabi, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain and a few U.S. locations.

Beer & Wine with a Side of CCTV

 Weird Vending Machines Beer and Wine


Show your ID to a real live person watching you via CCTV from a call center, blow into a breathalyzer to prove you’re not already drunk, and you can get a bottle of wine from a vending machine in Pennsylvania. The kiosks, introduced in response to the state’s archaic liquor laws, can be found in grocery stores. In Japan, some vending machines will pour you a pint of draught beer, while others offer a range of cans. For a promotion, Amstel offered free beer to any customer who could stand completely still in front of a vending machine for three minutes.


iPods & Other Gadgets

Weird Vending Machines Best Buy


Weird Vending Machines iPod

Best Buy’s airport kiosks are an increasingly common sight, offering last-minute, travel-oriented gadgets like digital cameras, phone batteries, headphones and pre-paid international cell phones. Better hope you press the right button, because if you need to return something, you’ll have to call an 800 number and wait for a prepaid label to come in the mail. Vending machines offering virtually every iteration of the iPod have also been spotted, and it’s almost guaranteed that they aren’t endorsed by Apple. 

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Augenschmaus: Granola Bars

06 Jul

Ein Beitrag von: Claudia Gödke

Selbstgemachte Granola Bars sind der perfekte Snack zum Mitnehmen! Sie sind schnell gemacht, man kann die Zutaten nach eigenem Geschmack zusammenstellen und sie somit fruchtig oder eher kernig mit vielen Nüssen backen. Die Granola Bars machen sich, hübsch eingepackt, auch gut als Geschenk.

© Claudia Gödke

Portionen: je nach Größe etwa 12 – 18 Riegel
Zubereitungszeit: 15 Minuten + 40 Minuten Backdauer


150 g feine Haferflocken
30 g Hafermehl (einfach 30 g Haferflocken mit dem Pürierstab zerkleinern)
100 – 170 g Zucker, am besten Rohrohrzucker (je nach Geschmack)
1/2 TL Salz
200 – 400 g getrocknete Früchte, gehackte Nüsse und Kerne *
80 g Butter
80 g Honig oder Ahornsirup
1 EL Wasser
eventuell 1 TL abgeriebene ZItronenschale oder 1/2 TL Zimt

* Ich habe verwendet:
200 g getrocknete Aprikosen
125 g getrocknete Sauerkirschen
50 g Sonnenblumenkerne
3 EL gehackte Pistazien
3 EL Sesam

Bei den Zutaten für die Riegel hat man eine riesige Auswahl. Alle Nüsse, Kerne und getrockneten Früchte sind geeignet. Zum Beispiel auch ein sommerlicher Müsliriegel mit Kokoschips und getrockneten Mango- und Ananasstücken.

© Claudia Gödke


Den Ofen auf 180 °C vorheizen. Eine eckige Backform mit Backpapier auslegen. Damit die Müsliriegel schön hoch werden, habe ich eine Form der Größe 20×20 cm benutzt. Nimmt man eine längliche Auflaufform, dann werden sie nicht ganz so dick.

Die getrockneten Früchte in kleine Stücke schneiden. Mit den trockenen Zutaten in eine Schüssel geben und gut durchrühren. Butter, Wasser und Honig in einem Topf so lange erwärmen, bis die Butter geschmolzen ist und zu den trockenen Zutaten geben. Alles gut mischen, bis sich die Flüssigkeit gleichmäßig verteilt hat und die Masse schön krümelig ist.

In die Form geben und mit einem Löffel oder den Händen sehr fest andrücken. Damit nicht alles an den Händen oder dem Löffel klebt, einfach ein Stück Frischhaltefolie auf die Masse legen. In den Ofen schieben (mittlere Schiene) und für 30 bis 40 Minuten backen, bis der Rand goldbraun ist. Die Mitte der Masse fühlt sich dann noch weich an, wird aber während des Abkühlens fest.

Aus dem Ofen holen und in der Form komplett abkühlen lassen, sonst fällt alles auseinander und man hat nur Müsli. Am besten deckt man die Form ab und stellt sie über Nacht in den Kühlschrank oder an einen kühlen Ort.

Wenn die Müslimasse fest geworden ist, kann man sie aus der Form nehmen und mit einem großen, scharfen Messer in Portionen schneiden. Einzeln verpackt oder in einer luftdichten Dose halten sich die Riegel für ein bis zwei Wochen frisch.

© Claudia Gödke


Auf einem meiner liebsten Untergründe fotografiert: Einer alte Brotbackform, die mit weißer Emaille beschichtet ist. Die Riegel selbst liegen auf Pergamynpapier, in das ich sie nach dem Fotografieren eingewickelt habe. Die Fotos entstanden zu Hause am Fenster mit kleinem Reflektor von links und auf dem Balkon.


Du hast auch ein leckeres Rezept und die passenden Food-Fotos dazu, die einem das Wasser im Munde zusammenlaufen lassen? Dann werde einfach selbst Teil von „Augenschmaus“!

kwerfeldein – Fotografie Magazin

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San Francisco Behind Bars: Alcatraz and Golden Gate Bridge at Sunset

05 Mar

Alcatraz Seen Through the Golden Gate Bridge – San Francisco, California

San Francisco is no stranger to photography icons. As you drive across the Golden Gate Bridge it’s quite easy to see Alcatraz sitting in the middle of the entry to the San Francisco Bay, but its not as easy to see both Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge in clean alignment. One such low angle view does exist and its quite fun to see Alcatraz of all places behind bars… I mean the cables of the Golden Gate Bridge. Insert great sunset light, a sailboat and a pelican and it rounds the scene out to a rather fun photo.

Copyright Jim M. Goldstein, All Rights Reserved

San Francisco Behind Bars: Alcatraz and Golden Gate Bridge at Sunset

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East Side Crack Head Got Bars?

23 Nov

Clip of the Week: Crack head from Lincoln Projects in East Harlem spits raw… Plus a live snippet of Fishgrease Jenkins performing “Shut Up and Rap”. dir: roll®blade A intro track: “OPUS Zero Infinite” by Alpha Phunk (
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Microsoft Excel 2010 – Hide Worksheet Tabs, Scroll Bars if Not Needed

08 Aug

If you’re only using one worksheet in an Excel 2010 workbook, why display the worksheet tabs if you’ll never use them? Also learn how to hide one or both scroll bars if not needed.

While some complicated Microsoft Excel 2010 workbooks may have dozens, if not more worksheets, you may sometimes create workbooks that only require one worksheet tab. In this case, why show the worksheet tabs if you don’t need to use them? By hiding these tabs, and also the horizontal and / or vertical scroll bars, you can slightly increase the room onscreen used to display your workbook.

1. Open the workbook you wish to modify….

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