Posts Tagged ‘Attacks’

These unseen photos of Ground Zero following the 9/11 attacks were salvaged from rotting CDs

25 Jun

Archivists Dr. Johnathan Burgess and Jason Scott have published 2,400 previously unseen images of Ground Zero in the days following the 9/11 attacks. The images were found on old CDs purchased from a house clearance sale in New York and shared by a ‘partner’ of Dr. Burgess because it’s ‘about doing what’s right for humanity,’ according to a statement he made to the BBC.

Dr. Burgess said the CDs were in poor condition after so many years in storage, and that a recovery service was used to retrieve some of the photos. At this time, the duo hasn’t been able to locate the photographer or any family members who may know them. Scott says the images were captured with the 3MP Canon PowerShot G1.

The full archive of images has been made available to the public via Flickr. The photos appear to have been taken by a construction worker in the aftermath of the attacks. Emergency and construction workers are featured prominently in the images, as well as debris from the fallen buildings, machinery, dust and the surrounding New York City skyline, including multiple aerial shots.

Dr. Burgess suggests that ‘people who are moved by [the images] should consider donating to a worthy cause of their choice,’ according to the BBC report.

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When Art Attacks! Giant Spherical Sculpture Escapes Museum

21 Apr

[ By Steph in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

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How do you stop a 15-foot-tall, 250-pound ball when it’s rolling down the street, running over cars and treating the city like a giant pinball machine? Employees at the Toledo Museum in Ohio had to figure out the answer to that question really quickly one day last August when a storm swept through the city, dislodging the giant sculpture from its perch on a downtown rooftop and sending it barreling through the streets as if it had a mind of its own. It even pauses at an intersection and then makes a left turn, as if trying to determine the best escape route, as the frantic museum workers run after it.

An observer who happened to be on an adjacent rooftop captured much of the ensuing chaos and put the clips on Instagram and YouTube. Luckily, the ball is inflatable, so there was no risk of it actually crushing the cars it rolled right over, though it did bend a few street signs and freak out a few drivers. The ball itself, created by artist Kurt Perschke, sustained a little bit of damage on its adventure, but returned to the museum to finish out its residence in Toledo.

redball paris BART Station Market St.

redball project 3

The sculpture has traveled around the world, lodged in every imaginable urban nook and cranny, from alleyways in London and bridges in Paris to the Montreal Biosphere and Chicago’s Grant Park. It’s currently en route to Memphis, Tennessee to begin its next residency.

Bopiliao St in Taipei.

redball project

“Through the RedBall Project I utilize my opportunity as an artist to be a catalyst for new encounters within the everyday,” says Perschke. “Through the magnetic, playful and charismatic nature of the RedBall the work is able to access the imagination embedded in all of us. On the surface, the experience seems to be about the ball itself as an object, but the true power of the project is what it can create for those who experience it. It opens a doorway to imagine what if?”

redball proejct 2 redball chicago

That last statement is especially true when the question is, “What if the ball gets loose and runs around the city?” It’s kind of a shame it didn’t get to travel farther before it was captured and returned.

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[ By Steph in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

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3D-Printed Spider Dress Attacks When Anyone Comes Too Close

25 Dec

[ By Steph in Drawing & Digital. ]

spider dress 1

No worries about anyone invading your personal space when you’re wearing this intricate 3D-printed dress, which extends animatronic spider-inspired arms when it senses another person’s presence nearby. ‘Spider Dress 2.0′ by Dutch designer Anouk Wipprecht responds with defensive gestures if anyone approaches too quickly, or come-hither motions to friendlier, slower-moving people.

spider dress 2

Equipped with proximity and respiration monitors and an Intel Edison processor, the dress acts as a shield between the wearer and the outside world, interpreting the intentions of people who come near. The 3D-printed white components have a skeletal appearance, while LED lights add a bit more sci-fi appeal.

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As seen in the video, the movements of the spider arms are creepily realistic. The design is an improvement upon Wipprecht’s ‘Spider Dress 1.0,’ which had a more mechanical appearance with arrow-like legs. The artist sees fashion as lacking in ‘microcontrollers,’ and seeks to combine fashion design with engineering, science and interaction.

spider dress 1.0

The mechanisms that create the movement in Wipprecht’s wearable tech designs are left visible on the outside so viewers can “witness the designs creating their own unique forms of interaction, movement and meaning.”

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