Posts Tagged ‘attack’

Canon confirms August ransomware attack, notes past and current employees affected

01 Dec

In August, we reported that Canon suffered a ransomware attack that, allegedly, saw more than 10TB of data taken from Canon’s servers. At the time, a Canon representative told us the company was ‘investigating the situation,’ but the company never confirmed the attack took place. Now, three months later, Canon has confirmed in a statement that an attack did take place as well as details on exactly what information was taken from its servers.

The notice, first spotted by Canon Watch, states information of past and current employees ‘who were employed by Canon U.S.A., Inc. and certain subsidiaries, predecessors and affiliates from 2005 to 2020’ was taken. This data, which also includes employees’ beneficiaries and dependents when applicable, includes ‘Social Security number, driver’s license number or government-issued identification number, financial account number provided to Canon for direct deposit, electronic signature, and date of birth.’

A notice originally sent to Canon employees notifying them of the cyberattack.

Canon says it immediately opened an investigation, hired a cybersecurity firm and contacted law enforcement, who helped to support the investigation.

To assist with those whose information was taken in the attack, Canon is offering a free membership to a credit monitoring service to help ‘detect possible misuse of an individual’s information and provides the individual with identity protection services.’

Canon statement:

Canon statement about the ransomware attack:

Notice of Data Security Incident

Canon understands the importance of protecting information. We are informing current and former employees who were employed by Canon U.S.A., Inc. and certain subsidiaries, predecessors, and affiliates1 from 2005 to 2020 and those employees’ beneficiaries and dependents of an incident that involved some of their information. This notice explains the incident, measures we have taken, and steps you can take in response.

We identified a security incident involving ransomware on August 4, 2020. We immediately began to investigate, a cybersecurity firm was engaged, and measures were taken to address the incident and restore operations. We notified law enforcement and worked to support the investigation. We also implemented additional security measures to further enhance the security of our network.

We determined that there was unauthorized activity on our network between July 20, 2020 and August 6, 2020. During that time, there was unauthorized access to files on our file servers. We completed a careful review of the file servers on November 2, 2020 and determined that there were files that contained information about current and former employees from 2005 to 2020 and their beneficiaries and dependents. The information in the files included the individuals’ names and one or more of the following data elements: Social Security number, driver’s license number or government-issued identification number, financial account number provided to Canon for direct deposit, electronic signature, and date of birth.

We wanted to notify our current and former employees and their beneficiaries and dependents of this incident and to assure them that we take it seriously. As a precaution, we have arranged for them to receive a complimentary membership to Experian’s® IdentityWorksSM credit monitoring service. This product helps detect possible misuse of an individual’s information and provides the individual with identity protection services. IdentityWorksSM is completely free to the individual, and enrolling in this program will not hurt the individual’s credit score. If you are a current or former employee, or the beneficiary or dependent of a current or former employee, and would like more information on IdentityWorksSM, including instructions on how to activate your complimentary membership, please call our dedicated call center for this incident at 1-833-960-3574. For information on additional steps you can take in response, please see the additional information provided below.

We regret that this occurred and apologize for any inconvenience. If you have additional questions, please call 1-833-960-3574, Monday through Friday, between 9:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Eastern Time.

1This notice is being provided by or on behalf of Canon U.S.A., Inc. and the following subsidiaries, predecessors, and affiliates: Canon BioMedical, Inc., Canon Business Solutions-Central, Inc., Canon Business Solutions-Mountain West, Inc., Canon Business Solutions-NewCal, Inc., Canon Business Solutions-Tereck, Inc., Canon Business Solutions-West, Inc., Canon Development Americas, Inc., Canon Financial Services, Inc., Canon Information and Imaging Solutions, Inc., Canon Information Technology Systems, Inc., Canon Latin America, Inc., Canon Medical Components U.S.A., Inc., Canon Software America, Inc., Canon Solutions America, Inc., Canon Technology Solutions, Inc., Canon U.S. Life Sciences, Inc., NT-ware USA, Inc., Océ Imaging Supplies, Inc., Océ Imagistics Inc., Océ North America, Inc., Océ Reprographic Technologies Corporation, and Virtual Imaging, Inc.


We remind you it is always advisable to be vigilant for incidents of fraud or identity theft by reviewing your account statements and free credit reports for any unauthorized activity. You may obtain a copy of your credit report, free of charge, once every 12 months from each of the three nationwide credit reporting companies. To order your annual free credit report, please visit? call toll free at 1-877-322-8228. Contact information for the three nationwide credit reporting companies is as follows:

  • Equifax, PO Box 740241, Atlanta, GA 30374,?, 1-800-685-1111
  • Experian, PO Box 2002, Allen, TX 75013,?, 1-888-397-3742
  • TransUnion, PO Box 2000, Chester, PA 19016,?, 1-800-916-8800

If you believe you are the victim of identity theft or have reason to believe your personal information has been misused, you should immediately contact the Federal Trade Commission and/or the Attorney General’s office in your state. You can obtain information from these sources about steps an individual can take to avoid identity theft as well as information about fraud alerts and security freezes. You should also contact your local law enforcement authorities and file a police report. Obtain a copy of the police report in case you are asked to provide copies to creditors to correct your records. Contact information for the Federal Trade Commission is as follows:

  • Federal Trade Commission, Consumer Response Center, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20580, 1-877-IDTHEFT (438-4338),?

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Report: Canon had 10TB of data stolen off its servers in ransomware attack

06 Aug
A server room — but not Canon’s

Canon can’t catch a break. According to a report from BleepingComputer, Canon has been hit by a ransomware attack that’s resulted in more than 10TB (yes, terabytes) of data being taken from Canon servers.

In a detailed report, BleepingComputer says known ransomware group ‘Maze’ has taken credit for the attack, which has affected nearly every facet of the company, both internal and consumer-facing. BleepingComputer also reports Canon’s IT department has sent out a company-wide message that reads:

‘Message from IT Service Center

Attention: Canon USA is experiencing widesrpead system issues, affecting multiple applications, Teams, Email and other systems may not be available at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience — a status update will be provided as soon as possible.’

A number of the below domains from Canon show this error when attempting to visit.

At this time, the following domains of Canon are being affected:


BleepingComputer also shared a partial screenshot it claims is ‘the alleged Canon ransom note.’ Maze, the ransomware operators claiming to be behind the attack, says it stole 10TB of data, private databases and more, but failed to provide any information on how much of a ransom it’s asking and proof of what was taken.

The recent issues with Canon’s cloud-based media platform,, are unrelated to this ransomware attack, according to Maze.

BleepingComputer describes Maze as ‘an enterprise-targeting human-operated ransomware that compromises and stealthily spreads laterally through a network until it gains access to an administrator account and the system’s Windows domain controller.’ Maze is behind ransomware attacks on numerous other enterprises, such as LG, Xerox and more.

We contacted Canon for more information on the matter, to which Canon’s PR team replied ‘We are currently investigating the situation.’

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Video: Journalist survives ISIS sniper attack, his GoPro does not

23 May

In the terrifying video above, Iraqi journalist Ammar Alwaely narrowly escapes a sniper’s bullet, which takes out his chest-mounted GoPro. From the YouTube description:

Journalist Ammar Alwaely, was working in Mosul Iraq, when a sniper’s bullet hit his GoPro camera. The camera, which was a gift from one of his co-workers, almost certainly saved Mr. Alwaely’s life. Ammar received treatment for minor cuts, but was otherwise unharmed.

Ammar and his companions seem to be setting up for a shot and in good spirits right before the bullet rips across the screen. The sniper’s fire clearly catches the group off guard. At about the 0:33 point in the clip, the English-speaking individual filming asks where the bullet came from (caution, strong language).

We’re not sure that the GoPro actually saved his life, but Ammar did live to tell the tale (we wonder if his micro SD card survived as well). The attack took place on May 13th and the video was post on the 17th – at the time of publishing it has been viewed nearly three quarters of a million times.

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Attack of the Giant Spider! Watch This Optical Illusion Mural Come to Life

20 Oct

[ By SA Rogers in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]


A nightmarishly oversized spider emerges from a gaping hole in a wall in this anamorphic optical illusion mural by French street artist Denys Pasco, better known as Densoner. Known for his highly detailed graffiti style as well as oversized murals frequently featuring creatures of the wild, Densoner created a creepy effect with the massive arachnid’s legs stretching out toward the viewer.


The process of creating ‘Eat Me’ is captured on video and sped up so you can watch the spider come alive in the hands of the artist. Denoner starts off by painting a photorealistic black hole on a tattered urban wall, with the edges painted in shadow to make it appear 3D.





Then, with a few strokes of white, the spider begins to appear, becoming more and more threatening as the artist works. Watch the video all the way to the end for a fun surprise.

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[ By SA Rogers in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

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Art of Deception: NYC Monument to Giant Octopus Attack Misdirects Tourists

09 Oct

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Installation & Sound. ]


Visitors to Battery Park in Manhattan will find memorials to fallen soldiers, sunken sailors and 400 passengers who perished when a Staten Island ferry was attacked by a giant octopus.


This last event, however convincing (thanks to 250-pound cast-bronze sculpture and plaque), is entirely fictional, part of surprisingly elaborate hoax. That would be hard to guess at a glance, though, given the thought and craft that went into this fake memorial and the other materials that were designed to bolster its credibility.


Artist Joseph Reginella invented the scenario, crafting a website, a mock documentary, news articles and fliers to complete the deception. The monument even directs people to the Ferry Disaster Memorial museum. It also weaves in real-world facts, like the name of the ship.

He had the idea while taking the ferry himself. When his won asked whether there were dangerous creatures waiting below, he invented the story, then spent months elaborating on the fabrication.


To keep the city from taking it away, he has moved the memorial from place to place. To add credibility, he made the day of the event the same as the assassination of President Kennedy, something that would plausibly overshadow such a massive historic disaster.

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96TennisAce – Attack of the Enemy

07 Nov 96TennisAce’s first short film, involving guns, shooting, and an innocent dog. All credit for music goes to Website Merchandise http Gaming Channel Facebook Twitter
Video Rating: 3 / 5

Shell Cup / Yoshi QR Codes – Part 7 QR Codes: This is the seventh part of LeftyHeat’s Walkthrough / LP of Mario Tennis Open for the Nintendo 3DS. In this video the Shell Cup is showcased. The 3DS quality is constantly improving in each video so be sure to sit back relax and enjoy the LP. Also if you have any questions or comments feel free to PM VideoGameHeat on YouTube. VGH Facebook: Twitter: Be sure to Subscribe for updates: Note: All Games and Trademarks are Copyright of Their Repective Owners. Lets Play Mario Tennis Open for the 3DS Mario Tennis Open 3DS Walkthrough Shell Cup – Part 7 Playing a Nintendo 3DS With Your Eye’s Closed. Playing as Yoshi in Mario Tennis Mario Tennis Open Gameplay and Review
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Tag Force 6 – All Summon and Attack Animations

02 Nov

All YGO 5D’s Tag Force 6 Summon and attack Animations… all. In order: Shooting Quasar Dragon Life Stream Dragon Sephylon, The Ultimate Time Lord Meklord Astro Mekanikle Shooting Star Dragon Majestic Star Dragon Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste Red Nova Dragon Majestic Red Dragon…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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iN3xt Vid 2 – 60 Attack Turmoil Zerk | Hybrid | Claws | Fire Cape | 100m+ Downed

23 Oct

Excuse my excessive use of the word “idiot” lol. In other news…changed username from iN3xt to Next. This account is f2p for now, and I’m getting turmoil on N3xt God so expect more video’s from him Yeyeyeye I know that “I made it” song is overused, but its for a friend, who is obsessed with it, and he bought me mems on this account so I figured I owed it to him lol Stats in Vid: 93+11 Combat 60 Atk 90 Str 45 Def 88 HP 85 Range 98 Mage 95 Pray 88 Summoning Songs Used: -I Made It (THIS IS FOR YOU D3X) -Phoenix: 1901 -Franz Ferdinand: Darts Of Pleasure If you’re a Zerker/Tank make sure to check out Higher Force! The #1 Mid-Level clan in ALL of R00nsc4p3 #higher-force on IRC on interwebz
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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BF3 101 – Attack Choppers, The Flying Coffin by Wrath (Gameplay/Commentary)

21 Oct Click here to watch BF3 101: Chopper Pilot Badass School with Wrath (Battlefield 3 Gameplay/Commentary) BF3 101: Attack Choppers, The Flying Coffin by Wrath (Battlefield 3 Gameplay/Commentary) Sometimes you can learn more from a loss than a win. DIRECTOR’S CHANNEL: Visit the NEW Inside Gaming Blog – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – This Respawn video will show you: How to take advantage of poor game balance How to rain death on the enemy from above How to send your enemy to hell How to love wrath How to play Battlefield 3 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: FOR MORE ANIMATIONS & SHORTS, GO TO: FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO:

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Flu Attack! How A Virus Invades Your Body

04 Mar

When you get the flu, viruses turn your cells into tiny factories that help spread the disease. In this animation, NPR’s Robert Krulwich and medical animator David Bolinsky explain how a flu virus can trick a single cell into making a million more viruses. See and hear the rest of the story on Credit: Robert Krulwich, David Bolinsky, Jason Orfanon
Video Rating: 4 / 5

A simple but effect animation how the heart works Discaimer: A single copy of these materials may be reprinted for noncommercial personal use only. “Mayo,” “Mayo Clinic,” “noncommercial use only, provided you include all applicable notices and disclaimers.