Posts Tagged ‘Assembly’

First of the breed: Inside the GFX 100 pre-production assembly line

25 May

First of the breed: GFX 100 prototypes take shape

Back in early March, I had the opportunity to visit Fujifilm’s main Taiwa camera assembly plant in Sendai, Japan. Among other things, the so-called ‘X Factory’ is where Fujifilm’s assembly line staff are currently putting together the company’s new 100MP flagship, the medium format GFX.

But when I visited, mass production was still some way off. Instead, a small dedicated production team was creating the very first working prototypes of the GFX 100, ready for beta testers and Fujifilm’s engineers to start working with. Prototypes are built largely by hand, and the process is time-consuming, expensive and fascinating. While we were shown every step, Fujifilm is understandably protective over some of the details, but has given us permission to publish a small number of images. Click through for a glimpse behind the curtain, and back in time, as the very first GFX 100 prototypes took shape earlier this year.

First of the breed: GFX 100 prototypes take shape

Inside this unassuming building is where the magic happens. About 20 miles outside of Sendai, the main assembly building at Fujifilm’s Taiwa plant was quite badly damaged in the major earthquake of 2011. Closed for 7 years, it re-opened in 2018 after a 6-month renovation to both modernize the facility and make it safe for continued use.

First of the breed: GFX 100 prototypes take shape

Here’s a finished GFX 100 sat on a table alongside its various components, broken out into the major ‘blocks’ which make up the guts of the camera. At Fujifilm’s request we’ve obscured the details of exactly how many parts make up the key parts of the camera, but to give you some idea of its complexity, the IBIS unit alone is comprised of more than 100 individual parts.

One of the interesting things about the GFX 100 is that its major imaging components are assembled into a single unit, structurally independent to the main body panels which make up the exterior chassis of the camera (i.e., the bits that you can see). Everything is ultimately connected, of course, but by integrating the sensor, IBIS unit and lens mount into a discrete unit, very precise alignment can be achieved – and maintained – even if the main body of the camera is subjected to physical stress or shock.

First of the breed: GFX 100 prototypes take shape

And here’s that IBIS unit in all its glory, with a 100 Yen piece alongside for scale. If you don’t have a sense of how big a 100 Yen piece is, it’s about the same seize as a US quarter and a British 10p piece.

While it’s clear that the IBIS unit takes up quite a bit of space, what’s surprising is that it isn’t larger, given the size of the sensor that it has to stabilize – and of course the weight of that sensor. In fact, four springs are incorporated to absorb sensor movement.

Fujifilm claims that the IBIS system should be effective up to 5.5EV by CIPA standards. While our experience suggests that you can’t rely on that kind of performance with every lens and in every shooting scenario, there’s no doubt that the system adds considerably to the camera’s versatility out of the studio.

First of the breed: GFX 100 prototypes take shape

Here, a prototype GFX 100 undergoes one of several automated tests performed after initial assembly. Everything from shutter accuracy to IBIS calibration must be performed on a camera-by-camera basis, to ensure that each GFX 100 performs in exactly the same way. All of this calibration data is saved to a database stored by Fujifilm, and can be looked up by serial number if and when the camera comes in for service in the future.

This particular camera is fully assembled, but still waiting for its textured rubber body coating to be applied.

First of the breed: GFX 100 prototypes take shape

Applying the rubberized body cladding is a difficult and very manual process. You can trust me on that, because the managers who gave me this tour let me try doing it myself, and my attempt at covering a section of the X-H1 was considered “very good”, because I only took twice as long as the experienced technician holding the timer and grinning encouragingly.

In fact, unlike final shipping cameras, which will be made on a semi-automated production line, these first prototype GFX 100 bodies are put together almost entirely by hand. We can’t show you pictures of the full process in this article (at Fujifilm’s request) but trust me that watching a human being manually solder every pin on the lens mount’s electronic interface perfectly, in mere seconds, using a single continuous piece of solder is a very humbling experience to a keyboard warrior like me.

First of the breed: GFX 100 prototypes take shape

Here, an assembly line worker performs the exacting task of manually applying a section of the GFX 100’s textured rubber coating. Under the fingers of his left hand you can see a clear plastic window built into the camera’s main handgrip. ‘Window’ is a good word for it, because directly underneath this section of plastic is the GFX 100’s WiFi antenna. In contrast to magnesium alloy, WiFi signals can ‘see’ through plastic easily.

First of the breed: GFX 100 prototypes take shape

Here’s a closer look at the ‘skeleton’ of the GFX. The chassis is made from magnesium alloy, with polycarbonate employed in various less structurally-critical places, such as the previously mentioned WiFi antenna ‘window’ and the battery tray door, parts of the facia around the vertical grip controls and so on.

Image supplied by Fujifilm and used with permission

First of the breed: GFX 100 prototypes take shape

Here’s the skeleton with a little more flesh on its bones. One of the highlights of my tour of the prototyping line was getting my hands on the very first prototype, complete with 3D printed plastic parts and hand-finished buttons. Unfortunately, and for very understandable reasons, Fujifilm would prefer that I don’t show you a picture of it.

Image supplied by Fujifilm and used with permission

First of the breed: GFX 100 prototypes take shape

Here, a fully assembled and cosmetically finished prototype GFX 100 undergoes more testing before being released into the wild, where Fujifilm’s engineers and selected beta testers will put it through its paces.

Of course, hardware is only part of the equation. During the process of pre-release testing, prototype cameras like this might have literally hundreds of major and iterative firmware updates applied to them as features are added, removed and tweaked.

Tragically, like the replicants in Blade Runner, these first hand-built prototype test bodies are destined for a short service life. Once the beta testing program is complete, they’ll be returned to Fujifilm and reduced to their component parts. It’s too bad they won’t live – but then again, who does?

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Japanese Joinery: Captivating Gifs Reveal Ancient Secrets of Wood Assembly

25 Jan

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Furniture & Decor. ]


Before screws, nails, glue and other fasteners, joinery was a matter of complex interlocking forms that shaped not only the structure but also the aesthetic of what was built.


For generations, Japanese wood craftsmen and their carpentry guilds were known to carefully protect trade secrets of their construction techniques. Even as the approaches found visual representation in print publications, it was often hard to visualize how they worked.

These animated 3D representations communicate the inner workings of these traditional techniques in a way that no static rendering or model could hope to do, depicting them in motion through the assembly process.

Created by a Japanese fan of woodworking, they were made using Fusion360 and derived from historical documents and precedents. He has so far posted dozens of these joinery techniques, many of them highly complex (featuring multiple interlocking parts, twists and turns).

While modern-day technologies have replaced historical joints in most everyday applications, they could also be positioned to bring them back into play — with 3D-printing devices readily available, the sophisticated cutting that used to be done by hand can be done by machine.

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Facebook posts Surround 360 camera assembly instructions on GitHub

29 Jul

Facebook is pushing 360-degree VR content on its platform and in April announced its Surround 360 Open Source high-end VR camera. Now the company has posted detailed instructions on GitHub, which appear to be inspired by Ikea furniture assembly manuals, on how to source the parts, assemble the camera and install the software.

The Surround 360 combines 17 4MP cameras, 15 of them arranged in a circle and two fish-eye lenses on top and bottom, to capture 4K, 6K, or 8K 360-degree video. The cost of all the parts and components needed to build the device is approximately $ 30,000. This is a lot more than your average consumer VR camera but compares favorably to similar professional systems. Facebook also says it took a randomly selected engineer 4 hours to build the camera, so once all parts are available it seems you can be up and running in less than a day.

If you like the idea of building a Surround 360 for yourself you can download the instructions and software on GitHub. The video below shows you a time-lapse of the assembly process. 

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3D-Printable Connectors Make DIY Furniture Assembly Easy

23 Apr

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Furniture & Decor. ]

diy joinery design closeup

Leveraging the best features of available 3D printers and the materials they can print, this kit-of-parts approach opens up an amazing array of possibilities for do-it-yourself furniture construction.

diy table surface supports

Studio Minale-Maeda presented their Keystones system at Milan, using elegantly simple table and coat rack designs to show off the potential of this connective system.

diy coat rack connected

Their core idea is that the larger wooden pieces can be flat-packed more easily for shipping. Customers can then complete the assembly process using included or locally-printed pieces. Still, the potential of this approach goes well beyond that system as such.

diy furniture connector plastic

diy black 3d printed

There is really no reason to limit the process to a ship-and-print combination. With a similar but open-source variant, would-be buyers could take off-the-shelf dimensional lumber and construct their own furniture effectively from scratch. Perhaps unintentionally, the simple and standardized shapes of the components shown here already suggest such potential implicitly – at most a few cuts would be needed for the table, if even that.

diy angle view table

diy side view table

diy standing table vertical

diy joint intersection wood

Regardless, the solution-as-presented is quite crafty, whatever its potential future might be – it leverages the strengths of 3D-printed plastic (rigidity with flexibility), uses strong triangular shapes for structural support (like trusses) and requires only the most basic tool to tighten the finished product (a screwdriver).

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3D: NASA’s Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB)

19 May

See more 3D work at This is a 3D anaglyph video. You will need a pair of red-cyan 3D glasses to view it — these are the most widely available kind, usually included with DVDs of 3D Hollywood movies. Amazon offers a good selection For help in obtaining one, please email me at

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GM Corvette Engine Assembly LS2

06 Sep

Animated assembly of a GM Corvette Engine.
Video Rating: 4 / 5