Posts Tagged ‘Aquarium’

Desktop Jellyfish Tank: This Invertebrate Aquarium Sure Beats Goldfish

21 Feb

[ By SA Rogers in Design & Products & Packaging. ]

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Rapidly warming oceans have led to an explosion of jellyfish numbers in seas around the world – allow that fact to float around your brain for a bit as you stare at translucent invertebrates illuminated within your very own desktop jellyfish aquarium. Would owning such a thing offer comfort and entertainment, or just be a sad reminder that humans have really mucked things up on our home planet? Now’s your chance to find out.

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The JellyTank is a compact 5-gallon aquarium with a modern design and color-changing, remote-controlled LED lights. This ‘flow bar design’ with laminar pump-driven water creates an environment similar to what jellyfish would experience in the wild, and there’s a built-in mechanical and biological filtration system. The tank is made of high-grade aquarium acrylic, and its housing is available in black or white.

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The creators came up with the idea after purchasing a $ 400 jellyfish tank for their office, and finding that the grates kept sucking up the jellyfish and killing them. They wanted to create a ‘sustainable’ tank that comes pre-assembled for the least amount of fuss. Everything you need to set it up is included, except for the moon jellyfish, which are purchased separately through the JellyTank website.

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“JellyTank is currently working on developing an aquaculture facility to grow Jellyfish for our customers,” reads their Kickstarter. “We are speaking with industry experts and marine biologists from across the nation to develop the best protocols and standards of practice to ensure we deliver the healthiest sustainable source of jellyfish available in the world today. our proposed aquaculture program will be overseen, staffed and managed by leading jellyfish aquaculture specialists.”

This living reminder of the ravages of human-induced climate change can be yours with a pledge of $ 175 or more at the JellyTank Kickstarter. The creators aren’t allowed to include live jellyfish with their rewards, so they have to be claimed separately when the kits are ready to ship. People are clearly excited about the project, having raised almost twice the fundraiser’s goal with 16 days to go. It remains to be seen whether flushing dead jellyfish down the toilet is as depressing as doing so for your late pet goldfish.

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[ By SA Rogers in Design & Products & Packaging. ]

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QA: Cylindrical Aquarium Umbrella Reflections

06 Sep
Photo ©Alison Carlino

Reader Alison Carlino asks, via Twitter:

"How could I light posed formals in front of tank w/no umbrella reflection showing?"

Welp, there's good news and bad news.

The bad news is there is no way to effectively stop those reflections from happening. I mean, it's a CYLINDER for Pete's sake, right?

Fortunately, there is also good news. And it'll probably result in a forehead-smack moment for you.

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Posted in Photography


Monterey Bay Aquarium uses GoPro to create new open source research camera

27 Jan

The Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute has created an open source camera system for use underwater to aid in research projects. The rig is composed of a GoPro camera and other easily sourced components, and is cheaper than commercially available oceanographic camera systems. Learn more

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ADA 60-P Amazon Biotope Aquarium

23 Jan

Now with Cardinal tetras and otocinclus! Now I just need to pick up a pair of Rams and a few more otos!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Video Rating: 4 / 5


Lawnmower Blenny in Saltwater Aquarium

07 Dec

This guy is interesting – he is kind of like half fish half eel…at least in the way he moves around.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

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Posted in Nikon Videos


Miscellaneous Software – Freeware Typing Tutor with Aquarium Animation

26 Aug

The freeware Rapid Typing Tutor displays animation while taking users through a succession of keyboarding drills.

Rapid Typing Tutor for Windows aims to help speed up your typing through a series of lessons. This freeware application will have you start out with just a few letters, work your way through punctuations and short syllables, tackle capital letters, key in longer words, and then run through digits and finally longer blocks of text. More advanced typists can jump around to specific lessons if desired.

While typing, to keep you entertained an animated aquarium scene appears behind the characters to be keyed (this can be turned off if you find it distracting). A visual keyboard appears below, with transparent hands moving as you type….

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