Posts Tagged ‘Anderson’

Dreaming for a living: The conceptual composite photography of Colin Anderson

12 Oct

Australia-based conceptual artist Colin Anderson is re-defining what it means to be a modern photographer. An early adopter of Photoshop, Anderson creates complex allegorical images from a number of visual elements, including stills captured with a medium format camera and 3D elements created from scratch. Find out what he’s learned from a long career in editorial and commercial photography. Read more

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– Startups – Ethan Anderson, co-founder and CEO of RedBeacon

21 Oct

Looking for the most thorough maid in Seattle or the most artful photographer in DC? Then you need Watch CEO and founder Ethan Anderson explain how he took the company from TechCrunch 50 darling to a presence in all 50 major US markets in under two years in this episode of TWiST. 1:00-2:15 Ethan Anderson is with us today from Redbeacon. 2:15-4:15 Squarespace ad. Go to for a 14 day free trial. 4:15-5:15 Introducing Ethan and his background as a TechCrunch50 winner and Harvard grad. 8:00-9:00 What is Redbeacon and how does it work? 9:00-10:00 Why didn’t you decide to let people browse through listings? 10:00-10:30 You’re making each party do a little more work and by doing so, both have a better expereince. 10:30-11:15 Are you seeing a higher caliber of provider and customer intent using this method? 11:15-12:30 We put in a request for a photographer and got three price quotes. 12:30-13:30 Explain how someone gets their score and what the range is. 13:30-14:15 How do the varifications work? Do you pay for it or is it a service? 14:15-15:00 Is this something you’ve considered picking up the cost of to make the system more reputable? 15:00-15:30 Does the customer pay through Redbeacon or pay the provider directly? 15:30-16:00 So you invoice the provider? 16:00-16:15 If the customer breaks the appointment does he get his money back? 16:15-17:30 What cities are you operating in now? 17:30-18:45 How did you determine the rollout strategy? 18
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Magnum Photo’s Christopher Anderson on QTV

17 Dec Host Jian Ghomeshi sat down with one of the famed photo collective members to talk about photojournalism, objectivity and the art of taking a photo.
Video Rating: 5 / 5