Posts Tagged ‘algorithm’

Microsoft introduces hyperlapse algorithm to fix shaky first-person videos

12 Aug

Microsoft’s Research division in Redmond, Washington has published material detailing a method for turning shaky first-person camera footage into a stabilized hyperlapse video. The algorithm they’ve developed uses a 3-step process to produce exceptionally stable videos that play back in a single fluid camera sweep. Researchers state that they are woking on bringing this technology to a Windows app, though no release date is given. Learn more

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MIT algorithm predicts photo popularity

29 Apr


Ask the average social media user what makes a photo popular online and they’ll probably answer ‘cats’ or ‘pretty women’. That gut feeling has now been confirmed by MIT PhD candidate Aditya Khosla who has analyzed more than 2.3 million images hosted on Flickr to answer the question ‘what makes an image popular’? Learn more 

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