Posts Tagged ‘Adorn’

Largest Mural in Paris: 15,000 Origami Birds Adorn Condemned Building

13 Jul

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

lunar building

Lunar Cycles is a massive site-specific installation featuring 15,000 paper-crafted birds in the 13th arrondissement of France’s capital city, requiring (non-paper) cranes to hang the elaborate avian collage.

bird art crane

Created by French street artist Mademoiselle Maurice in collaboration with Mathgoth Gallery, the work represents the biggest mural Paris has ever seen, a massive flight of birds landing on a 20,000-square-foot wall.

lunar art bird origami

birds on cranes

The artwork was installed on a condemned building, allowing the artist to first apply a layer of black paint as a backdrop for the colorful array of geometric paper birds added to the wall. She also painted on a series of two-dimensional origamic patterns to bridge between the physical papers and flat surface.

painted bird art

bird crane aerial view

The artist notes that the neighborhood contributed to the design, including those most impacted but the upcoming demolition of this long-standing structural pillar of the community. Previous projects from Maurice have featured similar themes in other settings, from birds and other geometric origami shapes gracing the walls of city streets and ancient castles alike. This work will be up through August.

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Hobart Rivulet: Doll Heads Adorn Pillars in Tasmanian Tunnels

20 Nov

[ By WebUrbanist in Travel & Urban Exploration. ]

tasmania baby face dolls

Below the streets of Hobart, Tasmania’s capital and most populated city, lie a network of centuries-old runoff tunnels that are slowly being turned into the backdrop for a growing body of collaborative (and sometimes creepy) art.

tasmania sewer tunnel exploration

rivulet tasmania

Urbexography (previously featured in a tale of Grimm Abandonments) has gone underground this time to capture the current state of the tunnel system and the strangely fascinating works that populate it at the present time.

tasmania underground doll pillars

tasmania doll wall detail

One series in particular may be best avoided after dark: an array of plaster-cast doll heads, a tribute to catacombs lined with human skulls found elsewhere in the world.

tasmania light from above

tasmania runoff system

Artist Shaun McGowan is behind much of the work. “I’d love to keep doing this project for years to come,” he told The Mercury. “It’s the opposite of gallery and studio work. There’s no barrier around it saying that other people can’t contribute or break it or do whatever they like. I love that collaborative nature.”

tasmania hobart underground

tasmanian tunnel art

Remarkably, many of his interventions have so far remained intact, drawing tourists and thrill seekers by day and night to these once-forgotten waterways. McGowan does not expect any particular piece to last, however, and accepts that change is inevitable and the place will always be a series of works in progress. Meanwhile, see more photographs of this amazing and evolving set of spaces on Facebook.

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Doom & Bloom: 36,000 Flowers Adorn Condemned Detroit Duplex

28 Oct

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

florist abandoned house project

Bought at auction by a florist last year, this dilapidated multifamily home was destined to be demolished but given a last chance to blossom thanks to a team of florists and array of volunteers packing the place inside and out with a flowers.

floral arrangements exterior porch

floral abandoned beauty

floral room spiral design

Deserted houses in Detroit are famously sold for as little as a dollar by the city, giving florist  Lisa Waud (photos by Heather Saunders) an idea.

floral work in progress

floral filled bathtub

She purchased this place for just $ 250 at auction, then turned a trash-filled abandonment into a work of art as well as a fundraiser for a flower farm and design center on the site.

floral interior space closet

flor creative wall decor

floral rich colorful arrangement

The Flower House was given over to contributing florists, each encouraged to turn a space, wall or ceiling into a blank canvas for their creations. The results are remarkable.

floral exterior packing planning

floral decor creative

floral home exterior

Following the project, “the house that held the exhibition will be responsibly deconstructed and its materials repurposed. the land will be converted into a flower farm and design center on their formerly neglected properties.”

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