Posts Tagged ‘Actual’

Real-Time Billboard: Sign Points at Actual Planes Flying By

04 Dec

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Guerilla Ads & Marketing. ]


The ability to track planes in mid-flight has produced many apps and websites for following jets through friendly skies, but this ad campaign applies this same data in a fun new way.

The interactive display even tells you the route, from takeoff to destination, of the plane you are seeing, and quotes you rates for future flights along that path.

billboard marketing

The Look Up campaign by British Airways blends dynamic video billboards and airplane data to show a child pointing at actual planes in midair overhead.

billboard guerrilla marketing campaign

From the company: “This is a first, not just for British Airways but for U.K. advertising. We all know from conversations with friends and family that we wonder where the planes are going and dream of an amazing holiday or warm destination. The clever technology allows this advert to engage people there and then and answer that question for them.”

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[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Guerilla Ads & Marketing. ]

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From Abstract to Actual: Unrealistic Art Models Made Real

20 Jul

[ By Delana in Art & Drawing & Digital. ]

Gelber Narrenhut

Some of the world’s greatest abstract artists have created portraits of humans that, while inspired by the human form, have completely dispensed with any actual human’s natural proportions.

woman in green hat

Hungarian artist Flora Borsi decided to take some of those abstract paintings and digitally create what the models would look like if the paintings were realistic depictions of real humans.

the corn poppy

The results are equal parts entertaining and disturbing. Elongated necks, exaggerated facial features, and impossible proportions make the subjects look vaguely human but not quite what we would expect from actual human models standing next to the portraits they inspired.

bust of woman

The paintings of Modigliani, Picasso, Malevich and more are given the unusual treatment of working backwards to create something new from an already-existing piece of art.

polish woman

Entitled “The Real Life Models,” the project is one that takes you a bit by surprise. Seeing these human forms outside of their respective paintings only highlights how creative and liberal the artists were in painting the original pieces.

american gothic subjects

Borsi did include in her series one real historic photo of models next to the painting they inspired. The older couple who actually posed for Grant Wood’s “American Gothic” are pictured next to their own portrait, looking nearly as sullen as they do in the painting.

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[ By Delana in Art & Drawing & Digital. ]

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Actual Pixels – the pixel peeping app for iOS

13 Mar


The latest generation tablets and even phones are great for presenting your images. But if your workflow involves evaluating detail and critical focus on a mobile device the situation is less than ideal. This is because the standard image viewers, such as Apple’s Photo app or Android’s Gallery app, don’t display the actual images but a version that has been reduced in size to maker better use of the devices’ limited resources. Actual Pixels is a free app for iOS that allows you to view images on your iPhone or iPad at a 100% magnification. We’ve checked it out for you.

News: Digital Photography Review (

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The Actual ’73 Giving Tree Movie Spoken By Shel Silverstein

25 Oct

FARP reminiscing back to grade school at Holy Family in Parma, Ohio.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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