Posts Tagged ‘’80s’

Film Friday: Photographing music legends of the 1970’s and 80’s

14 Aug
Photo: Dan Cuny

In this week’s edition of Film Fridays – brought to us by our friends at – photographer Dan Cuny takes us on a trip back in time to an era of rock and roll when venues didn’t restrict cameras, tickets cost no more than $ 6, ISO 200 film was considered ‘fast’ and standing ten feet away from David Bowie’s thrusting hips was an ordinary Saturday night affair.

Click the link for Cuny’s insights into the era and plenty more photographs of rock and roll legends including George Harrison, Blondie, Freddie Mercury and more.

Read: Photographing concerts
in the 1970’s and 80’s

About Film Fridays: We recently launched an analog forum and in a continuing effort to promote the fun of the medium, we’ll be sharing film-related content on Fridays, including articles from our friends at 35mmc.

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Video: Strange, amusing and bizarre camera commercials from the ’80s and ’90s

29 Mar

Editor’s note: There is a slight bit of profanity in this video, so if you’re in a work environment proceed with caution.

Canadian photographer and YouTuber Azriel Knight has published a humorous commentary video that features five old camera commercials from multiple manufacturers, giving the public a brief look at some of the marketing campaigns that hawked cameras to consumers in the 1980s and 1990s.

The advertisements include a high-energy 1991 Canon Rebel commercial featuring tennis professional Andre Agassi, a voyeuristic Japanese commercial for the Minolta X7, and a bizarre, somewhat psychedelic Nikon commercial advertising a point-and-shoot camera’s red eye correction feature.

Articles: Digital Photography Review (

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