Posts Tagged ‘720p’

Champions Online – 3D Optimized Anaglyph Test – HD 720p

04 Sep

Please use Red/Cyan (Red/Blue) 3d Glasses. This is one of two test videos. This one has color optimization, resulting in worse color, but far less ghosting. Please let me know which one you prefer so I can know which method is most pleasing to people.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Check here for more my videos :
Video Rating: 5 / 5


Posted in 3D Videos


Time-Lapse with Nikon D60 – IN HD 720p

18 Mar

Now in HD: A time-lapse sequence with my new Nikon D60 SLR camera.
Video Rating: 5 / 5


HD GT3 RS ZR1 D90 720P HD Eurosunday

04 Mar

zr1 corvette yellow 430 lamborghini countach m3 z4m diablo vt v12 gt3 rs porsche ducatti 848 911 turbo csi m bmw 996 997 bentely stingray gt 40 Nikon SLR D90 HD Video.EuroSunday© is open to the community and local car clubs. The event was originally ignited by some local Sacramento Ferrari owners and has grown to include all types of European vehicles. The event has a wide range of cars and motorcycles from the classic Morgan, MG, Ducati, Aston Martin, and Fiat all the way to the Lamborghini, Ferrari, and Ford GT. EuroSunday is geared towards the super, exotic, rare, and vintage vehicles. These events give the owners a venue to share their cars and motorcycles with those who rarely see such vehicles on the road. We welcome all enthusiasts no matter what they drive (Euro or not) to come out and participate. This is an open invitation to all who can respect the location, the attendees, the vehicles, our codes of conduct, and the law. bmw ///m 911 997 lambo ferrari maserati v8 i6 v6 turbo straight pipes diablo countach murceilago gallardo audi r8 rs4 s5 a4 a5
Video Rating: 5 / 5

I just edited some files together that had been on my harddrive since a few months, and which I never used. I filmed almost all of them with old nikon lenses from the 1980s Comment, rate, and Subscribe, and check out my flickr: The copyright of the music belongs to Yann Tiersen
Video Rating: 4 / 5


Unesco Middle Rhine Valley 3D Stereo HD 720p Video Trailer (yt3d:enable=true)

11 Feb

Middle Rhine Valley in 3D HD Stereo (720p Trailer). Oberes Mittelrheintal in 3D HD Stereo (720p Trailer). Taken from

Computer animated movie of a rotating four-dimensional hypercube, perspectively projected into 3D as stereoscopic left and right images, to be viewed cross-eyed. The computer animation was performed at Bell Labs in the mid 1960s. This is one the first stereoscopic digital computer animations. The image quality became degraded during the process in which the original 16-mm film was digitized.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


Stereoscopic 3D Test – San Clemente, CA – 720p

20 Sep

Test of 3D stereoscopic capture, best viewed with amber/blue glasses (ColorCode3D). Done in San Clemente, CA on 091309. Captured @ 1080i, reduced to 720p.


Posted in 3D Videos


Heineken – Keep the Change Commercial 720p Nikon d90 HD Spec

06 Sep

Heineken – Keep the Change Commercial. Nikon d90 HD spec commercial from Akira Wing. Shot completely with a Nikon D90, edited in HD in Sony vegas 8. Color corrected with Magic Bullet.
Video Rating: 3 / 5