Posts Tagged ‘1852’

Times Lapse: Minute-Long Video Shows Every NYT Cover Printed Since 1852

24 Mar

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Graphics & Branding. ]

new york time lapse

The times are always changing, but few things bring it home quite so elegantly (and quickly) as an extended look at the front pages of a classic publication, compressing over 150 years of history (and 60,000 pages) into a single minute.

Data artist Josh Begley takes viewers on a whirlwind tour of New York Times cover images. His time(s)-lapse video spans from early days when they were entirely text to the advent of black-and-white then color images.


times two

While so much has changed, detailed maps and wood engravings appearing to liven up the pages as the years pass in seconds, much remains the same.

times over itme

time after time

The effects captured reflect both continuity and evolution, encapsulating not only a publication-specific shift but also the broader history of modern print publishing.

Meanwhile, for fans of history, typography and the Times (via Colossal): “Typesetter Carl Schlesinger and filmmaker David Loeb Weiss documented the last day of hot metal typesetting” in the film above. “This amazing behind-the-scenes view not only captures the laborious effort to create a single page of printed type, but also the the emotions and thoughts of several New York Times employees as they candidly discuss their feelings about transitioning to a new technology. One man decides he’s not ready for the digital age and plans to retire on the spot after 49 years, while others seem to transition smoothly into the new methods of production.”

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[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Graphics & Branding. ]

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Mesmerizing video shows every New York Times front page since 1852

22 Feb

Looking for a history lesson that’s less than a minute long? A video from self-described data artist Josh Begley is just that. It shows every New York Times front page, starting with 1852 and ending in present day. It’s a mesmerizing visual, but it’s also acts a timeline of the adoption of photography. Photos begin appearing more frequently around the halfway point in the video, and the transition to color photography happens around the 48 second mark.

The New York Times published its first issue on September 18, 1851. The first photos published by the paper appeared in a Sunday magazine in 1896. May 29, 1910 marks the first front page photographed published by the Times, an image of a daredevil flight from Albany to New York sponsored by the paper. The first color photograph appeared on the front page in 1997.

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