360 – Hope You Dont Mind Ft N’Fa (1 Take Video)

24 Nov

i randomly decided to do this video, i didnt want any creative shit in it at all. just a straight up, raw studio shoot relying on my performance rather than any editing etc. we decided to work with the well known and very talented photographer kane hibbard. Because i wanted the video to be all 1 take it took a lot of takes to get it right, there are a few TINY fuck ups in this video (i hope you dont mind) but i felt the performance was the most powerful and moving takeso i decided against doing any editing to fix shit up just to keep that raw 1-take element to it. this is one of my favourite songs ive ever written, its easily one of the realest and deepest. performing it over and over was so hard – every time we would shoot i would get more and more emotional throughout/and at the end of the video.. but this take was to me the best one. please know that i am now in a very good state of mind, i wrote this song when i was in a very dark head space.. its like therapy for me.. if i have any issues going on in my life this is how i deal with it, by writing and turning the pain (or whatever emotion it may be) into a song…i know other people go through shit, all you need to do is find a way to deal with it… talking to someone helps, its not for everyone though. there’s lots of different options – but never keep it to yourself if you’re going through a really hard time.. talk to someone you love or write a rap about it 😉 hope you enjoy the video. and to anyone going through
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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