the ferris wheel (ripchord – rilo kiley)

14 Nov there’s a sad little carnival in a parking lot near our house so we packed some sandwiches ate our dinner in the parking lot near the bright lights and rode the ferris wheel for a piece. shot with a nikon d90 music: “ripchord” by rilo kiley
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Uncle yo is the man, and he put one a great show at New York Anime Festival. I apologize for cutting out at the end my camera was over heating. Apparently the D90 was not meant to take an hour of video all at once. Also I missed 2 jokes. The first one was how many bottles of hair jell, OVER 9000!!! The second was when he was playing with the feedback of the mic on the floor and “he found the sound village” Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Go see his pages Official Site Myspace
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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