Masters of Nature Photography with Frans Lanting, Thomas Mangelsen & Art Wolfe

12 Nov

Masters of Nature Photography – Frans Lanting, Thomas Mangelsen & Art Wolfe

This weekend there was a reunion of todays most influential nature photographers: Frans Lanting, Thomas D. Mangelsen & Art Wolfe in San Francisco, California. The reason for their convergence here in San Francisco was the first, and hopefully first of many, Masters of Nature Photography lectures. Back in October at PhotoPlus Expo in New York City they gave a shorter presentation together and out of that grew this full weekend event.

In short Art had a great presentation on finding inspiration, Frans masterfully discussed employing visual storytelling and Thomas shared lessons learned from his pursuit of a singular high impact photo. The event also included a Q&A session with Frans, Thomas and Art, along with ample breaks and receptions to meet and talk with each of them. The second day included discussions on technical aspects of their photography and a review of participants images.

If you’re like me you’ve long looked at the work of these photographers with great admiration, so the opportunity to meet and talk to them was quite special. While the admission price might be pricy for some the quality of the presentations, events and the overall opportunity to meet three photography legends in one swoop could make it well worth it. Unfortunately no future dates have been announced just yet, although I’m sure this event will undoubtedly find its way to other cities. You can monitor announcements about their next Masters of Nature Photography event at

Copyright Jim M. Goldstein, All Rights Reserved

Masters of Nature Photography with Frans Lanting, Thomas Mangelsen & Art Wolfe

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