Art of Photography – Jerry Uelsmann

07 Nov

Jerry N. Uelsmann (born 11 June 1934) is an American photographer. Uelsmann was born in Detroit, Michigan. He is a master printer producing composite photographs with multiple negatives and extensive darkroom work. He uses up to a dozen enlargers at a time to produce his final images. Similar in technique to Rejlander, Uelsmann is a champion of the idea that the final image need not be tied to a single negative, but may be composed of many. Unlike Rejlander, though, he does not seek to create narratives, but rather allegorical surrealist imagery of the unfathomable. Uelsmann is able to subsist on grants and teaching salary, rather than commercial work. Today, with the advent of digital cameras and Photoshop, photographers are able to create a work somewhat resembling Uelsmann’s in less than a day, however, at the time Uelsmann was considered to have almost “magical skill” with his completely analog tools. Uelsmann used the darkroom frequently, sometimes using three to ten enlargers to produce the expected effect. Photos are still widely regarded as documentary evidence of events, and Uelsmann, along with people like Lucas Samaras, was considered an avant garde shatterer of the popular conception. Uelsmann holds a BFA degree from the Rochester Institute of Technology and MS and MFA degrees from Indiana University. He began teaching photography at the University of Florida in 1960. He is now retired from teaching and currently lives in Gainesville, Florida along with his
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For more information go to SilberStudios.Tv Were on the edge of the San Francisco Bay with our guest Camille Seaman, a breathtaking fine art photographer. In this video, Camille discusses her top photography techniques for taking better photos. Listen to her tips on getting quality natural lighting in photos, using the right camera equipment, and treating every object you photograph as if it’s a person. Her photographs have been published in Newsweek, Outside, Men’s Journal, Camera Arts, PDN, and American Photography and she has self-published many books. Her photos have received a host awards, including a National Geographic Award.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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