The Digital Holga Lens

05 Nov

Extra photos for bloggers: 1, 2, 3

“Abracadabra” and “shazam” are decent magic words and all, but we think “Photojojo” works just as well. Why, you ask?

Because we’ve figured out how to transmogrify your DSLR into a Holga, instantly!

We didn’t even have to make deals with dark powers: we just used the Digital Holga Lens.

Mount this plastic lens right onto your camera body and start snapping away! Your photos will have that vignetted lo-fi charm for which Holgas are so well known. (Pssst: if your DSLR shoots video too, you’ve got a Holga home movie machine on your hands).

Go ahead, make some magic without having to lift a wand.

The Digital Holga Lens
$ 30 at the Photojojo Store

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