19 April, 2010 – Photographing the Aurora

04 Apr

Have you ever photographed an aurora, or even seen one?

Mark Dubovoy travelled to Northern Canada a couple of months ago for just this purpose, and came away with shots of a quite spectacular display.

As a physicist by profession he can’t resist explaing what causes the aurora, as well as how best to photograph one when you have the opportunity. His new tutorial is titled, naturally enough, Photographing The Aurora.


Fancy a photographic workshop in Tasmania this coming December? If so consider this one being put on by my friend (and frequent contributor to this site) Nick Rains. Nick is the Editor of one of Australia’s leading photographic magazines, and a very fine photographer and teacher.


"If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video must be worth a thousand pictures.
Just to let you know that I found your Lightroom Tutorial most helpful in understanding, not only which buttons to push, but the gestalt behind the program.  Especially helpful was the orgainzation.
All in all the best .00 I have spent recently".

– Jim Cassatt


The Luminous Landscape – What’s New

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