8 August, 2012 – Dynamic Patience

25 Aug

What role does patience play in your photography? Do you rush from one location to another? Do you contemplate and prepare, or do you count on chance?

In his new essay, Dynamic Patience – The Essential Photographic Skill, photographer Bors Vesterby shares with us some insights on these questions.

This Contest Ends in Just One Week!


Sales always slow down in the summer. We wanted to do something to motivate you to spend a bit, here on your favourite web site.

So, we’re doing a give-away. Every order for one of our download videos – tutorials as well as Video Journals, entitles you to a chance to win a new Olympus O-MD E-M5 camera, one of the hottest cameras of the year.

This contest is open to anyone, anywhere in the world. All you need to do is purchase something. Come on. Don’t just sit there – make a purchase and become eligible to win!


The Luminous Landscape – What’s New

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