Holy Cr*p Is Photography Different Now!

17 Oct
Herbert George Ponting and telephoto apparatus, Antarctica, January 1912
Herbert George Ponting – Antarctica 1912

If you were a photographer from 100 years ago and dropped in todays world to discover how you take and publish a photograph you’d be blown away. What is really scary is that photography really hadn’t changed that drastically until 20 years ago when Kodak converted a Nikon F3 to use a 1 megapixel digital sensor and on the consumer side 17 years ago when Apple released the QuickTake 100 that could sync photos to your computer. Oh and lets not forget the first camera phone photo being taken only 14 years ago. Before that there were varying degrees of improvement with film development, but by and large it was the same process and it took time.

What blows my mind is that I’ve lived through and experienced this rapid evolution of photography. I might as well have been the photographer from 100 years ago being dropped in this new world of photography. Photography is no longer as difficult to learn, print, publish or share. I grew up flipping through pages of National Geographic and Life in awe of the images and had to wait a month to see the next batch of images from great photographers. Now anyone with a cell phone can take a photo, post it online and in a matter of seconds have a stream of photos ready to be seen at a moments notice. I can take a photo of my son on the way to the grocery store and before I get there have people commenting and sharing a photo of him.

Digital photography has been an incredible game changer, but combined with the latest social media revolution it has amplified its impact. The likes of Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook, Google+ and now Apple with their Photostream functionality built into their operating systems makes photography a seamless part of modern life. I know there are several other dinosaurs that read my blog and have witnessed this photography evolution revolution. Take a moment to extract yourself from the gradual changes you’ve become accustomed to and think about being dropped into another time. Is this not amazing? Damn it is great to be a photographer!

Copyright Jim M. Goldstein, All Rights Reserved

Holy Cr*p Is Photography Different Now!

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