Sunrise at Wild Goose Island, Glacier National Park

23 Sep

Few places are as dramatic in appearance at sunrise as Glacier National Park in Montana. When I visit Glacier National Park I never miss an opportunity to witness a sunrise (even if I’ve had to fight my inner voice).  One of the best locations to take in a sunrise in the park is at the Wild Goose Island lookout.

You only get one sunrise and one sunset a day, and you only get so many days on the planet. A good photographer does the math and doesn’t waste either. – Galen Rowell

To capture the full sunrise scene pictured below I created a panoramic from 3 images via a Canon 24mm tilt-shift lens. Even though my multi-image panoramic technique expanded the angle of view to capture more of the scene than a single frame could, its impossible to do this scene justice. Out of frame was a Bald Eagle circling about getting an even better view of the scene unfolding. In all of my years visiting Glacier I’ve never seen a Bald Eagle. It made an amazing sunrise all the more special.

Sunrise at Wild Goose Island - Glacier National Park, Montana

Sunrise at Wild Goose Island – Glacier National Park, Montana

Photo Details:
(3) Three Photo Panoramic
Canon 5D Mark II, TS-E24mm f/3.5L II, 1/6 sec, f/14, ISO 100
Lenses via who I recommend highly!

Technorati Tags: photography, Glacier National Park, Montana, sunrise, Wild Goose Island, scenic, landscape, travel, stock photo

Copyright Jim M. Goldstein, All Rights Reserved

Sunrise at Wild Goose Island, Glacier National Park

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