Film Fridays: Dreams come true – discovering a stash of untouched Soviet-era cameras

10 Oct

To any collector/enjoyer of old cameras, the idea of stumbling upon on enormous stash of mint-condition gear, from a long-gone era, is the ultimate dream. And that dream recently became a reality for one lucky gentlemen in Kazakhstan, who discovered hundreds of “brand-new” Soviet-era cameras – including the Smena 8M (shown above) – packed inside wooden crates and stored in a warehouse, untouched likely since the early 1990’s. Read on…

Read: A secret stash of hundreds of Soviet cameras found in a Kazakh warehouse

About Film Fridays: We recently launched an analog forum and in a continuing effort to promote the fun of the medium, we’ll be sharing film-related content on Fridays, including articles from our friends at KosmoFoto and 35mmc.

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