Sample gallery: Fujifilm Acros 100 II – 35mm and 120 scans

14 Apr

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Between the DPReview TV crew up in Canada and the rest of the staff here in the USA, we were able to get our hands on several 35mm and 120 rolls of the newly-formulated Fujifilm Neopan Acros 100 II film stock, set to hit shelves in North America toward the end of the month.

35mm images were shot by Chris Niccolls and Jordan Drake on a trusty Nikon FE – 120 images were captured by Dan Bracaglia with his time-tested Mamiya 645 J. Due to photo lab closures related to the current health crisis, all samples were home-processed and digitized; 35mm photos were converted using Nikon’s ES-2 adapter and 120 images were captured using an Epson V550 flatbed scanner.

For more analog action, check out our Film Photography talk forum. And for those curious about how the new Acros II compares to the original film stock and/or the digital film simulation, check out the DPRTV’s review below:

Articles: Digital Photography Review (

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