Fujifilm Japan to increase color film prices by 30%

10 May

Fujiifilm Japan has announced that from the beginning of June it will increase the price it charges distribution companies for some of its color films. Fujifilm says the it has tried to absorb rising material and distribution costs itself, but has been forced to raise prices by 30%.

A list of the films that will be affected by the price increase.

The films that will be subject to the price rise include color negative and positive emulsions, in roll and cut sheet formats. The rises in Japan will come into force on 1st June, but the statement suggests prices rises have already been made in other parts of the world. How these manufacturer price increases will feed down to the consumer is still up in the air.

Manufacturer information:

About price revision of photographic film products

FUJIFILM Corporation (President: Kenji Sono) will carry out a price revision of the photographic film products provided to distribution companies, including photo studios, on June 1, 2019 in Japan (* 1).

While raw materials and distribution costs for photographic films continue to rise, Fujifilm has endeavored to absorb costs such as improvement in production efficiency and cost reductions in order to stably supply high-quality photographic films to the market.
However, it will be difficult to absorb only by corporate efforts, such as further increases in distribution costs and rising prices of some raw materials, and we will raise prices for photographic film products as described below.

1. Target product:
2. Details of price revision: 30% increase in price planned
3. Implementation date: June 1, 2019

* 1 Overseas, prices are being raised gradually from April 1 this year in each country.

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