JMG-Galleries Best Photos of 2010

25 Dec

In 2010 I had a great time behind the camera and I was fortunate to have been present for some amazing moments including the  birth of my son (the ultimate experience).  While I’ve ranked my best photos in years past (best photos of 2009, best photos of 2008 and best photos of 2007) this year I’m finding it impossible to do. In fact by doing so I may just end up in the dog house as you’ll soon discover. So in no particular order here are my 10 favorite photos taken in 2010. Enjoy!

Untitled Color Study
Just a photo that resonates with me and my exploration of light and color. This is part of a larger collection of work that I’ll be releasing so stay tuned to see more. Taken at sunset not far from my home.

Untitled Color Study

Untitled Color Study

Foggy Forest
Since moving to San Francisco I’ve embraced the days the fog rolls in while most curse it. I really enjoy seeing how the fog adds atmosphere to a scene whether I’m photographing it or just walking through. Of all things San Francisco, strangely, the fog is what I enjoy most.

Foggy Forest - Fine Art Photography by Jim M. Goldstein

Foggy Forest

Golden Gate Bridge Sunrise
The morning I took this photo I drove over 70 miles to catch a unique view of the Golden Gate Bridge at sunrise. Thinking my morning was a bust after being fogged in I returned home to find this view waiting for me. Why did this photo make the top 10 of the year? It’s a rare and nearly impossible view of the south tower of the Golden Gate Bridge enveloped by fog. I say “nearly impossible” not because the bridge was 4 miles away, but because San Francisco is normally under fog when the bridge appears like this.

Golden Gate Bridge Sunrise

Golden Gate Bridge Sunrise

Taken with a Canon 1Ds Mark III and Canon 800mm f/5.6

Ion Banner Wipeout at the 2010 Mavericks Surf Contest
As you’d imagine witnessing the huge waves of Mavericks is quite a rush, but nothing compares to what the surfers actually experience.  I’m not sure people realize exactly how athletic these guys are. Most just think of them as crazy, but they’re incredibly fit. Anyhow photographing this event was an incredible experience made easy with a Canon 7D. Having photographed this event in years past with my Canon 1D Mark II I decided to try out the latest and greatest. No complaints.

Ion Banner Wipeout at the 2010 Mavericks Surf Contest

Ion Banner Wipeout at the 2010 Mavericks Surf Contest

Zen – White Sands National Monument
Exploring the pristine beauty of the dunes with in White Sands National Monument was one of the best experiences of the year. New Mexico has some of the most impressive light in the lower 48 and the white sand mirrors that light in amazing ways. Amazing things happen in White Sands. I look forward to returning again in 2011 (join me on my  White Sands by Moonlight photo tour).

Zen - White Sands National Monument Landscape Photo by Jim M. Goldstein

Zen – White Sands National Monument, New Mexico

Taken with a Canon 1Ds Mark III and Canon 24mm tilt-shift lens

Untitled Color Study
Just a photo that resonates with me and my exploration of light and color. This is part of a larger collection of work that I’ll be releasing so stay tuned to see more. Taken on a trip down the California coast near Santa Barbara.

Untitled Color Study - Fine Art Photography by Jim M. Goldstein

Untitled Color Study

New Addition to the Family

Being there for the delivery of my son is by far the most amazing experience of my life. Portrait photography has quickly become a regular activity. For the first 6 weeks I made constant use of a Canon 85mm f/1.2 and it paid off with photos like this.

New Addition to the Family

New Addition to the Family

Serenity – White Sands National Monument
I can’t say enough about White Sands National Monument. Standing atop a 60 foot dune and witnessing this scene took my breath away. The dunes are so complex in shape and the randomness at which the light falls across them makes finding exceptional compositions a real challenge. No location challenges my eye like White Sands and I can never get enough of it.

Serenity - White Sands National Monument, New Mexico

Serenity – White Sands National Monument, New Mexico

Taken with a Canon 1Ds Mark III and Canon 70-200mm USM IS f/2.8

Lunar Layers
This was a photo that almost never happened. Unpredictably clouds moved in the weekend I was reviewing a Canon 800mm f/5.6 lens, but Mother Nature gave me a 45 second reprieve on this particular evening to compose 3 images of a full moon veiled behind clouds kissed with sunset light. It pays to be patient and prepared. As to what attracted me to this image in my year end review of work… its the abstract nature of it. Even still I see an eye in the sky when I view this photo.

Lunar Layers - Landscape, Nature and Travel Photos by Jim M. Goldstein

Lunar Layers

Dusk at White Sands National Monument

Some things just have to be experienced and this was one of those moments. No focal length lens or camera sensor could do this scene  justice.

Dusk at White Sands National Monument, New Mexico

Dusk at White Sands National Monument, New Mexico

Taken with a Canon 1Ds Mark III and Canon 70-200mm USM IS f/2.8

Technorati Tags: best photos, best of 2010, photography, pictures, fine art, stock photo, white sands national monument, Mavericks, landscape, nature

Copyright Jim M. Goldstein, All Rights Reserved

JMG-Galleries Best Photos of 2010

JMG-Galleries – Jim M. Goldstein Photography

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