Chaos, color, and community: 10 days in India

08 Dec

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Photographer and Resource Travel writer Brandon Cunningham recently embarked on a long-awaited photographic journey. After 36 hours of travel, he arrived in India for a soul-affirming 10-day trip with the non-profit The Giving Lens—an organization that empowers local communities and their youth by encouraging them to pursue their creative aspiration.

Cunningham describes his experience in an article on Resource Travel, bringing us along on a travel photography trip that clearly left an indelible mark.

India was everything and more than I imagined. I prepared for what seemed like forever, but all of the preparation in the world could have made me ready for the connections, love, and inspiration that I gained in this complicated and beautiful country.


While reading, talking and watching motion pictures provide some insight to the visiting community, until you put your feet on the ground, breathe in the local aromas and watch life unfold in front of your camera, there is simply no preparation for the joy and overwhelming appreciation of being welcomed into homes, families and communities.

We’ve included a small selection of the colorful and chaotic photos Cunningham returned with at the top of this post. To see more and read all of his thoughts on the journey, head over to Resource Travel where a full 45-photo gallery awaits.

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