CIPA figures show disappointing October sales, but mirrorless continues to rise

05 Dec
Graph: CIPA

The Camera & Imaging Products Association (CIPA) has released its statistics for October 2017, and in contrast to previous years, we did not see the Black Friday/Thanksgiving induced spike we’re used to seeing, with month-to-month shipments remaining fairly flat (read: disappointing).

In fact, year-on-year total camera shipments in October are down a whopping 13 percent, although we did see an overall year-over-year increase of 11 percent in the digital camera market for the January-to-October timeframe, and 6 percent for ILCs. Part of this development could be due to production coming back online after the Kumamoto earthquake; however, this trend is likely to continue for another couple of CIPA reporting periods or so.

Compared to October 2016, only 78 percent of DSLRs were shipped globally, but 112 percent for mirrorless, indicating that mirrorless is continuing its rise while simultaneously cannibalizing market share from its DSLR cousins. Most of the mirrorless shipments are going to the Asia region, though, which still accounts for more than 50 percent of all mirrorless cameras shipped. Globally, mirrorless is now 36 percent of the total market for ILC.

With smartphones fulfilling most consumer imaging needs and a big manufacturer like Nikon thinking about re-entering the mirrorless segment, we’ll be watching closely to see how those numbers develop over the coming months into 2018.

Articles: Digital Photography Review (

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