DJI will let you rent a Mavic Pro for free so you can enter Nat Geo’s aerial photography contest

09 Sep

NatGeo and DJI have teamed up to offer Mavic Pro drone rentals to photographers who want to enter National Geographic’s #MyMavicContest, an aerial photography contest for photos taken with the Chinese company’s drone. Not everyone who signs up for the drone rental will be awarded one, but those who are chosen to receive the Mavic Pro will get to use the drone for two weeks.

National Geographic has detailed the rentals on its new contest page, explaining that anyone can sign up to get the Mavic Pro loaner device. For its part, DJI explains that it will randomly select people from the application pool for whom the drones will be provided; there are ‘hundreds’ of drones available, though an exact number wasn’t provided. Recipients will have to pick up the rental from their local DJI Store, as well.

When signing up for the rentals, applicants must provide information that includes name and email, photography interests, pickup city, and can optionally provide an Instagram ID and National Geographic Your Shot ID. The rental period is running from September 5 to October 31, though recipients will only get the drone for two weeks during that period.

Photographers who already own the Mavic Pro can enter their photos into the contest by posting them on Instagram with the hashtags #NatGeoTravel and #MyMavicContest. Five winners will be selected in November to received a Mavic Pro of their own.

Via: The Drive

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