This eclipse photo shows the crazy dynamic range of today’s image sensors

23 Aug
Nikon D750 without any filters at 1/8s, F11, and ISO 100. Photo by Dan Plucinski

We talk about dynamic range (or lack thereof) a lot here at DPReview. But with all of the granular comparisons between the newest models, it’s easy to forget how incredible many of today’s image sensors have gotten in this regard. So here’s a quick example from photographer Dan Plucinski, who captured this photo in Oregon during the total solar eclipse on Monday.

The photograph on the right is a single image, not a composite. Plucinski simply took the shot on the left and pulled the shadows up in post; what you see on the right is the same image, with all of the shadow detail recovered.

The lesson is pretty straight-forward: always shoot Raw.

Photo by Dan Plucinski and used with permission.

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