Full-res image samples from the 16-module Light L16 camera

02 Aug

The Light L16 camera has been in the works for years now. A 16-module camera that looks like a smartphone, it uses up to 10 camera modules at once to capture 52-megapixel (minimum) photographs, and promises to “DSLR quality in the palm of your hand.” Plenty of people are skeptical of that claim, but now that the L16 is finally shipping to pre-order customers, Light has released three high-resolution image samples for you to pour over and critique.

Admittedly, none of the three photographs pits the L16 agains what you might consider a challenging lighting scenario. There’s a portrait, a landscape photo taken at the Grand Canyon’s famous Horseshoe Bend, and a photograph of the iconic shipwreck at Point Reyes.

All three are taken when there was plenty of natural light around, and while the Point Reyes shot does contain some more intense contrast between the highlights and shadows we really wish Light had shared one or two low-light shots. Still, barring that, the photos will give you a good idea of what this diminutive little computational photography camera can do:

$ (document).ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({“containerId”:”embeddedSampleGallery_3604419316″,”galleryId”:”3604419316″,”isEmbeddedWidget”:true,”standalone”:false,”selectedImageIndex”:0,”startInCommentsView”:false,”isMobile”:false}) });

The smallest of the three photos is 53.3MP, the largest a whopping 81MP, giving you some serious cropping power. Give our gallery a second to deal with the photos, especially if you’re using the 100% zoom feature… these files are nothing to scoff at.

To see more photos taken with the L16, or if you want to download these full-res samples for yourself, head over to the gallery. And once you do pixel peep these shots your heart’s content, let us know what you think of the L16 in the comments.

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