The Kennel Club 2017 photo contest winners are cute as h*ck

21 Jun

The Kennel Club Dog Photographer of the Year

The Kennel Club has announced the 2017 winners of its annual ‘Dog Photographer of the Year’ photo contest. Now in its 12th year, the international competition received almost 10,000 entries from 74 countries around the world, and was sponsored by SmugMug and Nikon School. As the internet would say, that’s a lot of h*ckin’ good puppers.

We present the 1st place winners from each of the ten categories in the competition. To see all the winners in each category, head over to the Dog Photographer of the Year website.


Overall winner and ‘Man’s Best Friend’ category winner: Maria Davison Ramos (Portugal)

About the photo: For me, capturing real and candid moments is what photography is all about. This is one of those moments. My friend had just adopted Yzma and while we were chatting in the kitchen I was taking some photographs. The location and the light were far from perfect, but I ended taking one of the photos I’m most proud of.

About the dog(s): The dog’s name is Yzma and she’s a Golden Retriever cross. She was adopted by one of the photographer’s closest friends.

The Kennel Club Dog Photographer of the Year

‘Assistance Dogs’ category winner: Alasdair Macleod (Ayrshire, Scotland)

About the photo: Megan was photographed during her weekly visit to South Beach Care home in Saltcoats, with one of the residents, 95 year old RAF veteran Mr Duncan Currie (a pilot for the Royal Air Force No. 617 Squadron, Dam Busters) who has Dementia.

About the dog(s): Megan is a rescued Greyhound and was the top Therapet for 2016.

The Kennel Club Dog Photographer of the Year

‘Dogs at Play’ category winner: Kalyee Greer (United States)

About the photo: Petey and I stood there together on the water’s edge in awe as the day bowed out to the night and the sun slipped its yellow head behind the horizon. Pastel colours painted themselves across the Summer sky above our shoulders in stripes of pink and cobalt blue as we quietly revelled in that perfect, endless moment. Then, just as suddenly as the sky had lit itself on fire, Petey clumsily jumped into the water with a joyful little sparkle in his eye, beckoning me to come along. I followed him in and giggled until my sides hurt as he would push his paw down into the warm, salty water, sending little crystal droplets flying through the air all around him. With each happy splash came the realization of the perfection in those tiny moments, and of the unmatched purity of the canine heart.

About the dog(s): The dog in the photo is named Petey. A cuddly and endlessly sweet Wheaten Terrier who belongs to a previous client of Kaylee’s.

The Kennel Club Dog Photographer of the Year

‘Rescue Dog’ category winner: Alexandra Robins (Wiltshire, England)

About the photo: When I went to Bath Cats and Dogs home to photograph some of their animals, Chloe and Tess were the first on my list. We took them out to one of the large, grassy paddocks for them to have a run around. Both dogs flew across the field together, I managed to get some fun action shots of them playing. However, it was this image of Chloe looking up at her carer that has always been my favourite. Chloe was a little timid towards strangers; she was probably looking for reassurance with a strange photographer present!

About the dog(s): Chloe came to Bath Cats and Dogs home with her friends, Tess and Diego, when their owner died. Chloe the brindle greyhound was a timid dog and used to hide away from strangers but was gentle and caring to her friends. All three dogs found loving homes.

The Kennel Club Dog Photographer of the Year

‘Dogs at Work’ category winner: Sarah Caldecott (Yorkshire, England)

About the photo: The photograph of Rita was taken during a training day in February this year on the moors in County Durham the weather hadn’t been kind and the light was fading fast.

About the dog(s): The dog in the photograph is a pointer called Rita owned by a friend who Sarah met during training sessions with her dog.

The Kennel Club Dog Photographer of the Year

‘Puppy’ category winner: Mirjam Schreurs (Netherlands)

About the dog(s): Mirjam placed a call out on Facebook for dogs to photograph and the owner of Tyson the Boxer puppy responded to it. Mirjam photographed Tyson when he was 14 weeks.

The Kennel Club Dog Photographer of the Year

‘I Love Dogs Because…’ category winner: Julian Gottfried (Chicago, US)

About the photo: I especially enjoy this photo because it exemplifies what I love about my dog. In the image you can easily see his cuteness, personality, and playful manner. Combined with the snow, they create a truly lively photo.

About the dog(s): Pippin, a terrier-mix. Julian’s family adopted him on Valentine’s Day in 2010. He and his brother had been wanting a dog for a really long time, and their parents finally decided to adopt one. Pippin had been found wandering around Missouri with his mother in a poor state, and was staying at a shelter. He was only seven pounds, but the most adorable dog there, and he has since become an integral part of the family.

The Kennel Club Dog Photographer of the Year

‘Oldies’ category winner: John Liot (St. Helier, Jersey)

About the photo: This image was taken as part of a commissioned shoot with three rescue dogs. It was a beautiful and bright November day and the Sun was creating an intense light through the windows, warming the client’s house. Kelly, an apprehensive 12 year-old collie-cross, found her spot in the God rays heating up the arm of a sofa and had a nap. She was a cautious girl with a sad backstory and had challenging behavioural issues prior to being adopted. Happily though, she has found rejuvenated life with her new family in Jersey who are giving her all the love and attention she sorely missed in her younger years.

About the dog(s): Kelly is rescue and her breed is unknown. She was 12 when the photo was taken. She was adopted by Bex D., a worker at Jersey’s animal shelter, who has two other rescue dogs that she’s also adopted from the JSPCA.

The Kennel Club Dog Photographer of the Year

‘Young Pup Photographer’ category winner: Dylan Jenkins (Swansea)

About the photo: I took this photo in my garden. We had some cake and Mosey came to sniff it. I took about twenty photos and this was the best and the funniest.

About the dog(s): Mosey is the older of our two hounds. She’ll be 10 in October. She has had some scent training (truffles!) and has appeared in a few dog shows but is happiest as a pet/companion dog She is incredibly gentle and sweet-natured and hilariously funny. Mosey and Dylan have an incredible bond.

The Kennel Club Dog Photographer of the Year

‘Dog Portrait’ category winner: Anastasia Vetkovskaya (Russia)

About the photo: This magnificent Afghan was incredibly nice to shoot – he is very expressive and emotional.

About the dog(s): SISLEY- SHOU GERAT GRANT AHTIAR AK JAR, Afghan Hound

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