Two-Wheel Tech: 12 Innovative Motorcycle Designs Envision the Future

21 Feb

[ By SA Rogers in Technology & Vehicles & Mods. ]

3D printed motorcycle main

What happens to the aesthetics of motorcycles when we let go of our nostalgic love for retro silhouettes and whole-heartedly embrace the future? Sleek and seamless unibody construction, lightweight 3D-printed components, unexpected silhouettes and hover bike concepts optimistically designed around technology that doesn’t yet exist. Some of these motorcycles are already in production (or one-off prototypes) while others will remain no more than renderings, but all of them take two-wheeled transportation to exciting new places, with the potential to inspire manufacturers to do the same.

BMW Motorrad Vision Next 100

BMW Vision Next 100

BMW vision next 100 2

BMW Vision Next 100 3

BMW set out to move beyond retro silhouettes with a zero-emissions, self-driving smart bike with active digital support displayed through the visor headset. The company is so confident that this system will keep the driver safe, they emphasize that no protective clothing is needed, not even a helmet.

BMW Titan Concept Motorcycle

BMW Titan Concept

BMW Titan 2

BMW Titan 3

Looking like something that would come roaring out of the Bat Cave, the BMW Titan concept envisioned by Istanbul-based designer Mehmet Erdem encloses the front wheel within the body for an unusual silhouette inspired by the shape of a shark.

BMW K75 Typhoon

BMW K75 alpha

BMW K75 Alpha 2

BMW K75 Alpha 3

Another wild motorcycle idea by Mehmet Erdem, which most people might expect to forever remain no more than a rendering, actually came to life in the hands of motorcycle expert Mark Atkinson. The machinist, who has years of experience in the Bonneville Salt Flats racing, built a real functional model of the design.

Renard GT Luxury Carbon Fiber Motorcycle

renard GT

renard GT 2

The sleek body of Renard’s GT features lightweight hardened aluminum components that were designed in 3D and then CNC-milled from a solid block.

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Two Wheel Tech 12 Innovative Motorcycle Designs Envision The Future

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[ By SA Rogers in Technology & Vehicles & Mods. ]

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