India says no to Google Street View, citing security concerns

13 Jun
Launched in 2007, Google’s Street View service uses imagery captured by cameras mounted on cars, backpacks, bicycles and snowmobiles. Today, the service covers locations all over the globe.

Indian officials have told the BBC that the country has rejected Google’s plans to image its towns and cities as part of its expanding Street View service. Citing security concerns around ‘sensitive defense installations,’ officials point out that planning for the 2008 Mumbai attacks was believed to have involved photographic reconnaissance. As such, the country believes, Street View could compromise national security.

This isn’t the first time that Google’s Street View service has attracted concerns. Several countries have at one time or other raised privacy and security worries. The Czech government has banned the company from taking any new imagery (current Street View images of Prague are frozen at 2014), and in 2010, almost 250,000 Germans requested that Google blur images of their homes.

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