Eric Kim launches ‘Henri’ Neck Strap (Mark II) and Wrist Strap

10 Feb

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If you’re one to be tempted by fancy camera straps, you may be interested that street photographer Eric Kim has announced two new ‘Henri’ straps: the ‘Henri’ Neck Strap (Mark II) and the ‘Henri’ Wrist Strap. The newest neck strap is made from a darker leather than the previous version, the same color as ‘a good cup of coffee,’ according to Kim. The wrist strap is also made of leather and offers a similar design.

The straps are handmade by a leather-maker in Saigon, and are then polished and packaged in Berkeley. Both items are available with limited stock. Buyers in the U.S. can purchase the neck strap for $ 79.95 and the wrist strap for $ 39.95 through Amazon. International buyers can purchase the straps through PayPal via Kim’s website for the same rates plus $ 15 USD for shipping.

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