Kiss Lid: Do You Love Coffee Enough to Make Out With It?

27 Aug

[ By Steph in Design & Products & Packaging. ]

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Do you love coffee enough to make out with it every time you take a sip? You kind of have to if you’re willing to use the ‘Kiss Lid’ by Korean designer Jang WooSeok. Shaped like the lower half of a person’s face, the lid forces you to press your lips against a plastic pair in order to drink your beverage.

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The lid makes a statement on take-out coffee as a fashion accessory, and also aims to make the everyday coffee drinking experience a little more fun.

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The first prototype featured only a pair of lips, but WooSeok says he ultimately felt like nose-on-nose contact is an important part of the kissing experience, so the design was modified. The face shape is based on that of Greek statues for a classic look, and it’s available in a variety of colors. The design is about to go into production.

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It’s made of the same disposable polystyrene plastic as a conventional lid, envisioned as a novelty at cafes, but it seems like a reusable silicone version would be preferable. Then the user could tote around a conversation piece while also cutting back on waste.

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[ By Steph in Design & Products & Packaging. ]

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