One Image of an Entire Year

02 Jun

We’re feeling super inspired by this photograph by Eirik Solheim.

Eirik set up an SLR in a window and snapped a pic every half hour for one year. This left him with 16,000 images. Whoa. He picked out 3,888 of ‘em and used a bit of code to stitch them into a single image.

You may not have a spare SLR that could be set up in a window for a year, but this idea can totally be taken in other directions.

  • Take 4 photos of a local park, one for every season, and use your usual photo editor to cut ‘n paste pieces into one image.
  • Make a composite of your summer campsite – take one photo an hour for twelve hours.
  • Set your camera up on the beach and grab a shot every half hour of the tide going out. (Check here for local tide schedules!)


Photo by Eirik Solheim

© Erin for Photojojo, 2015. |
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