Memo Bottle: Slim Paper-Shaped Water Canteen for Laptop Bags

14 Sep

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Products & Packaging. ]

memo mobile flat bottle

Rectangular, skinny and designed to fit in briefcases or computer bags, his is definitely a bottle with a message: it is time to make your preferred refreshment receptacle more mobile.

memo bottle various sizees

memo flat pack bottle design

memo bottle on table

A sleek portable solution for your potables, the memobottle comes in standardized paper sizes to fit your preferred carrying case alongside books or computers, including Letter, A4 and A5 in the initial run.

memo bottle to go

memo bottle hipster kit

memo bottle design prototype

Its creators come from dry places – Melbourne, Australia and San Diego, California – and have a mission in mind that involves more than mere convenience:  “Single use bottle consumption [results in] 1,500 plastic bottles being used and discarded every second in the US.” Further, “bottled water is about 1,400 times more expensive than tap water and often less regulated.”

memo bottle stands up

memo plastic dishwasher safe

memo water bottle

memo leak proof bottle

The memobottle is a dishwasher-friendly, long-life, BPA-free water bottle that uses plastic, which its makers claim is more environmentally friendly than aluminum or stainless steel. The design definitely has its fans, with the project already over-funded by 1000% on Kickstarter with nearly one month left to go.

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[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Products & Packaging. ]

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