6 August, 2014 – We’re Back, Alain Briot’s Essay – My Vision

07 Aug


We’re back and running on all cylinders again.  With just about three weeks in the Arctic running 2 back to back Svalbard workshops and finalizing the launch of the Luminous-Endowment site, we have found we are a bit behind on publishing articles and other news.  And, we have a lot of it in the queue so expect new articles at a faster rate for the next few weeks.  We also have a number of new videos just about ready to come on line.

Today we share Alain Briot’s newest essay – Vision Part 10, My Vision.  In this essay Alain talks about his vision.  Vision in our photography is something we all strive for.  Alain explains how he defines his.  As always Alain makes us think about a number of things.  Trying some of his ideas for defining vision are a good exercise.  I like one of his paragraphs in his conclusion.  

“I want to create images that represent a vision, a dream. Images that suggest an idea rather than impose a specific meaning.  Images that ask the viewer to get personally involved, to invest something of themselves in order to understand and appreciate each image.  I want to create images that invite the viewer to be charmed, enchanted, even seduced by the image.”

The Luminous Landscape – What’s New

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