Add Felty Pockets toKeep Your Camera Bag Organized

07 Jul

Extra photos for bloggers: 1, 2, 3

You love all of your photog accessories equally, but some of the big guys like to beat up on the little ones in your camera bag.

Tuck away your phone, extra lenses, batteries and more in a warm and snuggly Photographer’s Pouch for safe keeping.

The Photographer’s Pouch is soft enough to keep your thingies safe, but strong and confident enough to fight off bullies when things get rough.

Plus it’s pretty darn handsome, made of heather gray felt with a velcro back and an elastic band to keep everything secure.

Throw a few Photographer’s Pouches in your camera bag to help keep everyone safe and happy until they can learn to get along.

Get Organized with a Photographer’s Pouch (or Three)
$ 12 at the Photojojo Shop

© Britta for Photojojo, 2014. |
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Keep Your Camera Bag Organized”>

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