Cecilia Gallery Camera Strap Giveaway

03 Jul

Recently, reviewed the unique camera straps from Cecilia Gallery. Well today, I’m going to share with you how you can claim one of these gorgeously crafted straps for your camera because thanks to Cecilia Gallery, we have one of their camera straps to give away to one of our subscribers to our blog. To decide who will receive this coveted prize we are going to hold a competition between now and the end of the month.

Fashion Photography Blog Reviews Cecilia Gallery Camera Straps (

The rules on how to enter the competition are simple:

1) Take a photo of your favorite item that you use as a photographer.

It does not have to be restricted to cameras; you can think outside of the box as much as you like. It can be an accessory, a piece of software, a tablet, computer or electronic equipment, a book or even an app just to name a few suggestions.  Feel free to be as creative as you like in the photo – you may even want to appear in the photo if you are comfortable being seen in it. Just make sure that we can clearly identify what the item is.

2) Write a brief description of at least 100 words telling us why it’s a favorite item of yours as a photographer. You can detail how it has benefited you or how useful it is in your photography. Let us know why you love it.

3) Send these to us via this email with your first and last name so we know whose entries are whose.

4) Photo entries and their descriptions will then be posted on our Facebook page where the public will VOTE on for their favorite photos.

The scoring of these votes will be weighted and by the total number of SHARES, followed by the total number of COMMENTS, then the total number of LIKES. In a nutshell, the most popular photo with the top points at the end of the competition period will be announced as the winner of the camera straps. YAY!

6) You can enter as many times as you like, just that each entry needs to be accompanied with a photo and description.

7) Competition starts at the beginning of this month and closes at the end of this month, July 31st Midnight.

So that’s how you can will one of these trendy camera straps. Here’s how you can make sure that you stay updated about the competition and hear when we announce the winner:

1) LIKE us on Facebook

2) Join our mailing list

Once again, we would like to thank Cecilia Gallery for supporting this competition and offering one of their hand-woven alpaca wool and leather camera straps as the prize. We are officially starting the competition and receiving entries.

Good luck everyone! (Although there can only be one winner)


Images courtesy of Cecilia Gallery

Fashion Photography Blog

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