The Winner of our Living Landscapes Prize Pack Is….

19 Aug

Over the last few weeks as part of the launch of our Living Landscapes eBook we were offering one buyer of this new eBook the chance to win a $ 1500 USD photographic Prize pack.

The randomly selected winner gets a rotation180° Professional Deluxe Camera Bag (worth $ 500) plus $ 1000 USD towards some new lenses!

The winner has just been drawn and is… Ami Kim!

Congratulations Amy – we’ve just sent you an email with details of how to get your prize.

Thanks to everyone else who picked up our new Landscape Photography eBook (one of the fastest selling eBooks we’ve ever launched)!

Post originally from: Digital Photography Tips.

Check out our more Photography Tips at Photography Tips for Beginners, Portrait Photography Tips and Wedding Photography Tips.

The Winner of our Living Landscapes Prize Pack Is….

Digital Photography School

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