Take Part in the dPS Reader Survey and Go in the Draw to Win $1000 For New Camera Gear

01 Jul

Our goal here at dPS is to constantly be improving our site to make it more useful to our growing readership. As part of that we’ll be rolling out a brand new dPS design (including a new Mobile design) in the coming weeks – but we don’t want to stop at that!

As part of our efforts to make dPS more useful to you we’d love you to take 5 minutes to complete a quick reader survey that we’ve put together.

As a little bonus incentive to participate we’re also going to give a prize of $ 1000 towards new camera gear, software or even a computer to one respondent who completes the survey before midnight on July 12 (US Eastern time)!

Participate in this reader survey here.

Your Privacy is Assured: While we ask for your email address in the survey in order to know who to send the prize to if you win we do not tie your responses to that email address and will never share your email address with any third party or use it for any other purpose than to notify you if you win the prize.

Thanks for helping us to keep improving dPS. Keep an eye open for a brand new dPS design in the coming weeks.

Post originally from: Digital Photography Tips.

Check out our more Photography Tips at Photography Tips for Beginners, Portrait Photography Tips and Wedding Photography Tips.

Take Part in the dPS Reader Survey and Go in the Draw to Win $ 1000 For New Camera Gear

Digital Photography School

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