The Smartphone Film Scanner:35mm film -> Digitized in a Snap

11 Jun

Extra photos for bloggers: 1, 2, 3

If you love 35mm, all your best memories are captured on film! And they’re just kinda stuck there. Until now…

Thanks to The Smartphone Film Scanner. It lets you use your everyday cell phone to scan your old 35mm negatives and bring them into the digital world for sharing on Instagram, Facebook whatever.

Its snug mount adjusts to fit any smartphone, even with a case on. Just slip your film in through the bottom, turn on the backlight and snap a pic on your phone.

Lomography’s free app (for Android and iPhone) turns your negative to a positive. You can also adjust the color and set the exposure before you capture the image on your phone.

Now that you’ve got your film photo on your digital phone you can upload straight to the Internets in no seconds flat! Blammo!

Check Out the Smartphone Film Scanner
$ 59 at the Photojojo Store

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