Melbourne Portrait Workshop: Limited Tickets Now on Sale

13 Mar

Here at dPS we’ve been producing daily tutorials and tips for almost 7 years and in that time we’ve regularly been asked by readers if we’d ever run some live – face to face – training.

Today I’m excited to announce our first ever live workshop – in Melbourne Australia (where our HQ is based).

GinaMilica12-1WEB.jpgProfessional photographer Gina Milicia, author of our ‘Portraits, Making the Shot‘ will take you through everything there is to know about capturing pixel perfect portraits over a fun and informative day.

A world-class portrait photographer in her own right Gina also has an amazing gift for making the all technical jargon easy to understand, and importantly help you apply it to your own photography.

It’s sure to be a fun, inspiring and rewarding day.

Tickets are now on sale via our Eventbrite Page.

This workshop is strictly limited to 20 people.  We wanted to keep it small and intimate to ensure there will be a heap of personal interaction with Gina. So don’t delay grabbing your spot – we expect it to fill fast.

Event Details

  • Date: Saturday 20 April 2013
  • Where: Gina Milicia’s studio in Kensington, Melbourne
  • Price: full price is $ 497 (AUD)
  • What: a full day with portrait photography pro Gina Milicia

This is our first ‘hands on ‘ photography workshop and we are filling it with lots of practical exercises and information.

What you will learn:

  • How to prepare for a shoot
  • Camera settings
  • Quality of light
  • Deciding on lighting style
  • Using a light meter and correct exposure for beautiful skin tone
  • Poses/ basic go-to poses
  • How to direct with confidence
  • Workflow
  • Basic post-production techniques

Gina Milicia will be sharing her experience over 25 years of photographing celebrities and events.  At the end of the day you’ll be equipped to take stunning portraits of your own.

Learn more (including seeing a FAQ and a rundown of the day) and Grab Your Tickets Today here.

Post originally from: Digital Photography Tips.

Check out our more Photography Tips at Photography Tips for Beginners, Portrait Photography Tips and Wedding Photography Tips.

Melbourne Portrait Workshop: Limited Tickets Now on Sale

Digital Photography School

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